Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Essay:anti-Israel bigotry: the Apartheid slur part2

Essay:anti-Israel bigotry: the Apartheid slur part2


In general
To see "who's talking," it's imperative to expose the Racists [who] cry racism.[1]
A writer has put it: "Unlike the twenty-two Judenrein Arab countries of the Middle East, Israel is the only one which neither believes in nor practices apartheid."[2]
Some have written about: the wide Arab apartheid against non-Arabs[3][4][5] including the Arab apartheid in Mauritania, Sudan, (both described as 'Arab apartheid' states,[6]) and Tanzania,[7] for example, in "Sudan and Mauritania, the Arabs monopolized power and excluded blacks - Arab apartheid."[8] And even Arabs' apartheid against Arab-Palestinians.[9] About the "Race taboo" in the Arab world, Arab-Islamic racial and religious discriminations against the "other" - ethnicities and religious minorities such as: Alawites, Armenians, Assyrians, Baha'is, Berbers, Chaldeans, Copts, Druzes, Ibadis, Ismailis, Jews, Kurds, Maronites, Sahrawis, Tuareq, Turkmen, Yazidis and Zaidis,[10] how racism in the Arab world is its dirty secret, especially against those with a darker color, [11] anti-Israel Arab apartheid,[12][13] (Arab Muslim apartheid against Israel is so cruel, that it even includes ambulances, as Arab Red Cross societies seek to censure Israel and Magen David Adom.[14]) and Arabism's racism.[15][16][17][18]

Minorities have branded the Arab league, totally racist.[19] A Kurdish writer: "The Arab League as a useless ideological racist Arabist institution has existed only to promote Arabism and Arab racism against colonised non-Arab nations."[20] And an African writer wrote: "The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is equivalent to the Arab League.[21]

African author K. Boof wrote "about the atrocities of the Arab world," about "Arab Muslim racism, more exploitation of blacks by the Oil companies, more black slaves for the kitchens of Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Saudi Arabia."[22]
From "Politics in Francophone Africa" by Victor T. Le Vine:
Arab racism against black Africans is a reality that few educated Africans or Arabs are willing to address publicly, though such discussion did occur in the African media during the 1973-1980 oil crisis; I provide some examples in Le Vine and Luke, The Arab-African Connection. That racism is, of course, quite real. It is one of the unfortunate residuals of the centuries of Arab slaving in Africa, and during my own trips to and within the Arab Middle East I gathered many Arab expressions denigrating and belittling black Africans. Ahdi, the Arab word for slave. remains a term of contempt throughout the Arab world, and it is often used patronizingly or insultingly in reference to black Africans. For informed commentary on these matters, see, notably, Lewis. Race and Slavery in the Middle East, and Gordon. Slavery in the Arab World.[23]
A. Kasem spoke out against Arab racism, its Islamic roots: Any non-Arab, non-white, who has been to a Middle East Arab country will tell the story of absolute racism practiced there. It is no secret that in rich Arab countries, (such as Saudi Arabia) people of dark complexion, such those from Africa, South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh) receive much lower pay than a white person from the western country would. There is strict, unspoken, racial apartheid practiced in the rich Arab countries.... The Muslims of black complexion will never be equal with the white Arabs. The concept of Islamic ummah, regardless of color and ethnic origin is simply not true.[24]
Author writes on: "the dictatorial Arab regimes," and "the Palestinian Authority - where a culture of hate, xenophobia, and racism flourishes against Jews, Christians and the West."[25]
Authors of "Foreign policy of Tanzania, 1961-1981" explain that an "added factor that contributed to the growing taension between the Arabs and black Africa was the discovery of some Arab links with racist South Africa."[26]
From a 1970s testimony by former Black Panther leader Elridge Cleaver:
"Travesty Upon The Truth"
"Having lived intimately for several years amongst the Arabs, I know them to be amongst the most racist people on earth. This is particularly true of their attitude towards black people... Many Arab families that can afford to, keep one or two black slaves to do their menial labor. Sometimes they own an entire family. I have seen such slaves with my own eyes.[27][28][29]
The following was written in the 1980s:
In the late 1970s, it was an open secret in New York that Arab diplomats never invited their black counterparts to their receptions. The ex-President of Senegal, Leopold Scn- ghor, was hesitant in giving recognition to the Polisario Front of SADR because whenever the Front took Moroccan prisoners the blacks amongst them were segregated and shot because the little food they had was not meant to feed black people...[30]
It's quite disheartening to learn that black people are being relegated to second-class citizenship in Mauritania. Black African states must protest to the Arab Berber- government of Mauritania and to all Arab states to respect black people. Abuse of black people by Arabs, especially Syrians and Lebanese, has been ignored for too long. ... two sides in the conflict (Arabs and Israelis): they always have praise for Israelis while wondering why the Arabs hate black people.[31]
In the face of these insults and disrespect no African Head of State has been bold enough to raise a voice... This is because either they risk being overthrown or fear sanctions in the form of in the form of withdrawal of Arab petro-dollars. It is high time for African states to forget this senseless and blind solidarity with the Arabs and to think of the emerging Arab apartheid.[32]
A Somali commented: "You know the Arabs are the biggest racists, they are worse than Apartheid. They despise us because we are black".[33]
Scholar speaks about the 'incredible hypocrisy and double standard' of Islamists that criticize racism in the West, while races are never equal in Islamic societies. That Arab racism is rooted in their culture and tradition:
Islamists living in the West often portray Islam as a religion free of racism. They never fail to criticize western countries of its racist attitude and contempt for people who are not of white complexion. It is quite perplexing that these Islamists never look at their own backyard, of blatant, naked racism enmeshed in the Islamic doctrine. Any non-Arab, non-white, who has been to a Middle East Arab country will tell the story of absolute racism practiced there. It is no secret that in rich Arab countries, (such as Saudi Arabia) people of dark complexion, such those from Africa, South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh) receive much lower pay than a white person from the western country would. There is strict, unspoken, racialapartheid practiced in the rich Arab countries...
The Muslims of black complexion will never be equal with the white Arabs. The concept of Islamic ummah, regardless of color and ethnic origin is simply not true.[34]
In the 1930s the dominant strands of Arab nationalism turned increasingly anti-Zionist and anti- Semitic, leaving little place for Jews or other non-Muslim minorities in the Arab world, as Arab nationalist leaders turned to Nazi and fascist models for their inspirations.[35] "After the Great War, royal houses in Iraq, Jordan, and Arabia incorporated a racial version of Pan-Arabism in various quasi-fascist ideologies they endorsed, ideologies that were part and parcel of their preference for the Axis side."[36]
The [roughly] one Million[37] Jewish refugees[38] from Arab countries, the ethnic cleansing,[39] came about as a result of persecution, racism.[40][41]
In 1947 'Arab Apartheid' expelled Jews from Arab lands. The political committee of the Arab League drafted a law that would direct the legal status of Jewish residents in all Arab League. Jewish anti-discriminatory legislation is approved by Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia...[42]
Former S. African citizen, J. Falkson writes that some are
blind to the stark Judenrein apartheid in the autonomous Palestine Authority areas that stare him in the face. So he does not point a finger at Judenrein, apartheid in Jordan for example. Nor to the Judenrein regimes of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Kuwait, Qatar and others.
Many had viable Jewish communities until 1948 when they were forced to flee for their lives. Some 700,000 made their way to the Jewish State. In the process these states achieved their Judenrein objective – and also stole their property and possessions.[43]
While "The Palestinian refugees who were 'displaced by the fortunes of war after 1948..." the (Arab) order that all Palestinian flee Israel absolves Jews of any responsibility to those whose lands they now inhabit. By contrast, the Arabs brutalized the Jews who lived in Arab countries, as in the destruction of Iraqi Jewish community that had survived every force for centuries, collapsing only in the face of Arab racism.[44]

In fact, the mass exodus of Sephardic, mainly Arabic-speaking, Jews was by no means an inevitable by-product of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It was far more of a conscious act of ethnic cleansing</font> by the Arab world than the flight of Palestinians from Israel in 1948.[45]
The Jewish population are refugees from terror in Arab-run countries, and where Arab racism against Jews and sub-Saharan Africans is common.[46]
From a writer in The Guardian:
The displacement of Jews from Arab countries was not just a backlash to the creation of Israel and the Arabs' humiliating defeat. The "push" factors were already in place. Arab League states drafted a law in November 1947 branding their Jews as enemy aliens. But non-Muslim minorities, historically despised as dhimmis with few rights, were already being oppressed by Nazi-inspired pan-Arabism and Islamism. These factors sparked the conflict with Zionism, and drive it to this day.[47]
Already in 1960, French Minister J. J. Soustelle, said that "the sources of current anti-Semitism were "the Arab League and Pan-Arabism."[48]
Arab countries like Saudi Arabia ban Jews' entry.[49] Jordanian Nationality Law of 4 February 1954 expressly prohibits Jews from holding Jordanian citizenship. Another Jordanian enactment stipulates that the sale of land to a Jew is punishable by death.[50] And as a writer pointed out: Jews cannot become citizens of Jordan, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia, yet no one accuses those nations of apartheid.[51]
Saudi Arabian apartheid's barring of Jews surfaced greater into the Western limelight in 2011, when its official (State owned) airlines forced its code-share partner Delta Airlines to adopt Saudi-Arab[52][53] Nazi type barring of Jews from entering the Islamic "kingdom," no Jews, no Bibles on board to the desert kingdom.[54] As the Dutch Daily Standard has put it, barring Jews is the order of the day in the Apartheid Arab Islamic culture.[55]

There's a worrying wide rampant Arab-Islamic anti-Semitism range from demonization, dehumanization, Nazi cartoons, incitement to kill.[56][57] Watchdogs regularly translate and document the routine hate virus in the Arab-Muslim world by public officials, official TV, Muslim clerics, and wider media.[58]
The extend comes as a shock to the West.[59]
Statesman rightfully calls (terroristic) "Palestinian" anti-Jewish murders, 'hate crimes.'[60]
Arab racism has been Islamicized using certain Koranic texts [by radicals] to enhance the intolerance and vilification of Jews.[61]
A writer writing on Arab racists, explains:
the so-called "Palestinians," ... are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Aren't they an oppressed minority? No, as Arabs, they are part of the greater Arab Nation who since the 7th century has conquered, oppressed, and occupied everyone else in the Middle East and North Africa. As radical Muslims, everyone can see that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other terror groups are continuing down the same path as Bin Laden. In fact, not long before his assassination, Hamas "spiritual leader" Sheikh Yassin had begun speaking about the "Global Jihad" in Bin Laden and al-Qaeda type terms. Hezbollah has also been working in the "Palestinian" administered territories for a while already, as evidenced by Israel's recent capture of a Hezbollah cell in Gaza. So, they are part of the regional oppression network, not the future liberty and freedom alliance that Israel should work to build with other minorities in the area. Like that Arab murderer in Sudan who said, "This land is only for Arabs," the late Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi said not long before his demise, "We will continue with our holy war and resistance until every last criminal Zionist is evicted from this land. By G-d we will not leave one Jew alive in Palestine. We will fight them with all the strength we have. This is our land, not the Jews." Most of the so-called "Palestinians" agreed with him... Arab racism marches on...[62]
An Arab journalist accounts that 'Arabs are taught hatred of Jews with mothers' milk.'[63]
Noted author Bat Yeor wrote on an Arab-Islamic culture of hate: "A racism which denies the history and sufferings of its victims."
Arab racism consists of calling the Land of Israel, Arab land, whereas no Palestinian province, village, or town, including Jerusalem is mentioned either in the Koran or in any Arabic text before the end of the ninth century. On the contrary, these locations are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, which represents the religious and historical heritage of the Jewish people. The Bible, which tells the history of this country, tells it in Hebrew, the language of the country, and not in Arabic. Palestinian racism consists of asserting that the whole history of Israel, biblical history, is Arab, Islamic, and Palestinian history.[64]
A 2009 PEW poll of the Arab Muslim Middle East finds 90% to be anti-Jewish.[65]
In a classic testimony of Arab racism against all Asians, E. Husain:
Throughout my stay in Saudi Arabia I never divulged my Asian ethnicity. My goatee beard and good Arabic ensured that I could pass for an Arab. Besides, I had family members in Saudi Arabia on my mother's side and, technically speaking...
After Syria, I refused to be pigeon-holed by Arab racism, to be seen as an inferior hindi, or Indian. In the racist Arab psyche, hindi is as pejorative as kiiffar. In countless gatherings I silently sat and listened to racist caricatures of a billion people by Saudi bigots.[66]
Arab racism against Arab-Palestinians dates back to 1948, Mike Goldberg wrote "Arab racism: the Palestinian refugees."[67] Arab leaders urged the Palestinian Arabs to flee, promising that the country would soon be liberated. Israelis tried to induce the Arabs to stay.[68] "The Arab States, which have encouraged the Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes temporarily to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies, have failed to keep their promise to help the refugees..." From an Arab newspaper at that time: "The Arab Governments told us ' Get out so that we can get in! ' So we got out, but they did not get in."[69] The mufti of Jerusalem for example, appealed to the Arabs of Palestine to leave the country, "because the Arab armies were about to enter and fight in their stead." As some Arab leaders admitted later on: "For the flight and fall of the other villages it is our leaders who are responsible because of their dissemination of rumors exaggerating Jewish crimes and describing them as atrocities in order to inflame the Arabs."[70]
Though, as the Time notes the Arab nations don't care about the Palestinians,[71] an Arab Christian: writes The Arab nations keep the Palestinians and their descendants in squalor. They are denied citizenship rights. They are denied work. They are denied property. They are denied their human rights because they are and always will be a political football in the Arab campaign against Israel.[72] As former UNRWA director Ralph Galloway astutely noted in 1954: "The Arab States do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront to the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don't give a damn whether the refugees live or die."[73][74]
From an article titled: "Arab Apartheid?" In 1947, Arab leaders rejected a UN plan to form an Arab state alongside Israel and went to war. Encouraged by their leaders to leave Israel, some 600,000 Palestinians became refugees in Arab nations. For over 50 years, Arab nations have denied these Palestinians and their descendants citizenship and basic civil rights, including the right to own property, to get an education, or take out loans. In many cases, Palestinian refugees in Arab countries live in squalid refugee camps without basic services. Why? Hisham Youssef, spokesman for the 22-nation Arab League, has acknowledged that the Palestinians perpetual status as refugees – and "very bad [living] conditions" – are a deliberate Arab policy to help the refugees "preserve their Palestinian identity. If every Palestinian who sought refuge in a certain country was integrated and accommodated into that country, there won't be any reason for them to return to Palestine."[75]
B. D. Yemini in an article titled: 'The Arab Apartheid' elaborates on both the Jewish victims and the Arab-Palestinians:
The real 'Naqba' is the story of the Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, including Jews, suffered from 'Naqba', which included theft, expulsion and becoming a refugee. Only the Palestinians remain refugees because they were victims of persecution and repression at the hands of Arab states. This is the story of the real 'Naqba'.
In the year 1959 the Arab League accepted decision number 1457 and this is its text: "Arab states will reject the giving of citizenship to applicants of Palestinian origin in order to prevent their integration into the host countries". This is a shocking decision, which stands in stark opposition to international norms on all subjects concerning the treatment of refugees during those years and particularly during that decade. The story began, of course, in the year 1948, the days of the Palestinian 'Naqba'. This is also the beginning of every discussion on the subject of the Arab-Israeli conflict, with an accusing finger pointed at Israel with the claim that she expelled refugees and turned them into miserable people. This lie has become the property of many from the academia and the media who deal with the subject.
In previous articles on the question of the refugees we have already clarified that there is nothing unique this subject to the Israeli-Arab conflict.
Firstly, Arab countries refused to accept the Partition plan and started a war of total destruction against Israel, which had barely been established. Every precedent on this subject reveal that whoever initiates a war, especially with declarations of total destruction, pays a price for that.
Secondly, we are actually talking about an exchange of populations: yes, there were between 550 -710 thousand Arabs (the most accurate calculations are those of Professor Ephraim Karsh, who counted and found numbers between 583-609 thousand. Most ran away, a minority were expelled, because of the war, and a greater number of around 850,000 Jews were expelled or escaped from Arab countries ("the Jewish Naqba[76]").
Thirdly, the Palestinians are not alone in this story. Population exchanges and expulsions were the norm in those years. They happened in tens of other sites of conflict and around 52 million people experienced loss of property, expulsion and uprooting ("And the world lies[77]").
And fourth, in all the precedents of population exchange which took place during or at the end of armed conflict, or against the background of the creation of national entities, or the breakdown of multi-ethnic countries and establishment of national entities – there was no return of refugees to their previous areas which had become a new nation. The uprooted and the refugees, almost without exception, found refuge in places where they joined populations with a similar ethnic background: the ethnic Germans expelled from central and eastern Europe integrated into Germany, the Hungarians expelled from Czechoslovakia and other places found refuge in Hungary, the Ukrainians expelled from Poland found refuge in the Ukraine – and so on. In this sense, the similarity of the Palestinians originating from Mandate Palestine to their neighbours in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon was similar, or even greater than, the similarity between many ethnic Germans and the original state in Germany, sometimes after separation of many generations.
Arab countries, and only they, behaved in the opposite manner to the rest of the nations of the world. They trampled the refugees, despite the fact that they shared the same religion and were part of the same Arab nation. They adopted an apartheid system in every sense. So the 'Naqba', one must remember, was not created by the actual uprooting, as happened to millions. The 'Naqba' is the story of apartheid and persecution which the Arab refugees suffered in Arab countries.
After analysing the Arab apartheid [which is encompassing wide discrimination against many groups in the Arab world, but it entails a "unique"] horrific treatment of Arab-Palestinians and their direct fault for Palestinians' situation in: Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Kuwait, Yemini concludes on the clarity of how the Arab so-called "unity" and how this particular group of Arabs became "Palestinians":
These are the main nations in which refugees are to be found. Apartheid exists in other countries too. In Saudi Arabia the refugees from mandatory Palestine did not receive citizenship. In 2004 Saudi Arabia announced concessions, but made it clear that they did not include the Palestinians. Jordan too withholds the naturalisation of 150,000 refugees, most originally from Gaza. In Iraq the refugees actually received preferential treatment under Saddam Hussein's rule, but since his fall, they have become one of the most persecuted groups. Twice, on the Libyan-Egyptian border and on the Syrian-Iraqi border, thousands of Palestinians were expelled to temporary camps, whilst no other Arab country would take them in. That was an amazing display of 'Arab solidarity', on behalf of 'the Arab Ummah'. And it goes on. Palestinians from Libya, refugees from the civil war, are arriving at this time at the border with Egypt, which refuses to let them in.
Time after time the Arab countries have rejected suggestions for the resettlement of the refugees, despite there being both place available and the need. The march goes on. In 1995 the Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi decided to expel 30,000 Palestinians, just because he was angry about the Oslo accords, with the PLO, and about the creation of the Palestinian Authority. A Palestinian doctor, Dr. Ashraf al Hazuz, spent 8 years in a Libyan jail (together with Bulgarian nurses) having been accused of spreading AIDS. In August 2010, before the current uprising, Libya passed laws making the lives of Palestinians impossible. These were the same days in which Libya sent a 'humanitarian aid ship' to the Gaza Strip. There is no limit to the hypocrisy.
These words are just the essence of the apartheid against minorities in the Arab world as a whole, and against the Palestinians in particular. But there is a difference. Whilst the Copts in Egypt or the Kurds in Syria are real minorities, the Arabs from mandate Palestine were supposed to be an integral part of the Arab nation –the Ummah. Two of the symbols of the Palestinian struggle were born in Egypt - Edward Said and Yasser Arafat. Both of them tried to invent for themselves Palestine as a fatherland. Another two of the prominent symbols of the Palestinian struggle are Fawzi Kuakgi (who contended with the Mufti for the leadership of the Arab revolt against the British) and Izz a Din Al Kassam. The first was Lebanese and the second Syrian. There is nothing strange in that. Because the struggle was Arab. Not Palestinian. And despite that the Arabs of mandate Palestine turned into a downtrodden and rejected group, as a result of the Arab defeat in 1948. In the vast majority of the descriptions from those years are of Arabs. Not of Palestinians. Later, only later, did they become Palestinians.[78]
S. Nasser wrote: "Arab racism simmers in Galilee." About Jordanian and Egyptian illegal Arabs that infiltrated Israel and are acting against Israeli Arabs.[79]
In "brotherly" Arab counries like Saudi Arabia, they live in a racist climate, says Encyclopedia of Canada's peoples.[80]
Jerusalem: real Arab apartheid in "Palestine" under Jordanian rule 1948-1967 Vs. Israel's free & equal status
One of the many ugly faces of Arab apartheid and ethnic cleansing on Jews, was also shown at Israel's early days of re-establishment.
V. Sharpe in "In prayer, Jews face Jerusalem but Muslims face Mecca":
Prior to the miraculous event that took place when the Jewish people's 3,000 year old capital city [of Jerusalem] was restored to the Jewish state in the 1967 Six-Day War. For 19 long years from 1948 to 1967, Jordan had occupied Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and the eastern half of Jerusalem. Only Pakistan and Britain had ever recognized Jordan's illegal occupation.
The British officered Jordanian Arab Legion had forced out at gunpoint the Jewish residents of the Old City and the neighboring Jewish villages: It was Apartheid and ethnic cleansing, Arab style.[81]
The historic sharp contrast of the status of Jerusalem, whereas under Jordanian Arab-Islamic rule 1948-1967 it was divided, Jews were chased out and ethnic cleansed, and discriminatory laws were applied. After Israel won over the Arab attackers in 1967, it libertated the holy city, unified it and abolished all discriminatory laws.
From JVL on Jerusalem
City Divided
When the United Nations took up the Palestine question in 1947, it recommended that all of Jerusalem be internationalized. The Jewish Agency, after much soul-searching, agreed to accept internationalization in the hope that in the short-run it would protect the city from bloodshed and the new state from conflict. The Arab states were as bitterly opposed to the internationalization of Jerusalem as they were to the rest of the partition plan. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, subsequently, declared that Israel would no longer accept the internationalization of Jerusalem.

In May 1948, Jordan invaded and occupied east Jerusalem, dividing the city for the first time in its history, and driving thousands of Jews — whose families had lived in the city for centuries — into exile. For the next 19 years, the city was split, with Israel establishing its capital in western Jerusalem and Jordan occupying the eastern section, which included the Old City and most religious shrines.

During the War of Independence, fire from Arab League forces, made it impossible to reach the positions on Mt. Zion. At the time, a tunnel linked Mt. Zion with Yemin Moshe (in Western Jerusalem). The tunnel was very narrow, so Uriel Jefetz (a commander of the Irgun) designed a unique cable car to evacuate the wounded and bring supplies to the soldiers on Mt. Zion. As a result of the reinforcements of this cable car, the Harel Brigade conquered Mt. Zion on May 18, 1948. While it was only in use for half a year the IDF kept the car a secret and in working order from 1948 to 1967.

In 1950, Jordan annexed all the territory it occupied west of the Jordan River, including east Jerusalem. The other Arab countries denied formal recognition of the Jordanian move, and the Arab League considered expelling Jordan from membership. Eventually, a compromise was worked out by which the other Arab governments agreed to view all the West Bank and east Jerusalem as held "in trust" by Jordan for the Palestinians.

From 1948-67, the city was divided between Israel and Jordan. Israel made western Jerusalem its capital; Jordan occupied the eastern section. Because Jordan — like all the Arab states at the time — maintained a state of war with Israel, the city became two armed camps, replete with concrete walls and bunkers, barbed-wire fences, minefields and other military fortifications.

Broken grave stones in the Mount of Olives cemetery
In violation of the 1949 Armistice Agreement, Jordan denied Israelis access to the Temple Wall and to the cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews have been burying their dead for 2,500 years. Jordan actually went further and desecrated Jewish holy places. King Hussein permitted the construction of a road to the Intercontinental Hotel across the Mount of Olives cemetery. Hundreds of Jewish graves were destroyed by a highway that could have easily been built elsewhere. The gravestones, honoring the memory of rabbis and sages, were used by the engineer corps of the Jordanian Arab Legion as pavement and latrines in army camps. The ancient Jewish Quarter of the Old City was ravaged, 58 Jerusalem synagogues — some centuries old — were destroyed or ruined, others were turned into stables and chicken coops. Slum dwellings were built abutting the Western Wall.

Jews were not the only ones who found their freedom impeded. Under Jordanian rule, Israeli Christians were subjected to various restrictions, with only limited numbers allowed to visit the Old City and Bethlehem at Christmas and Easter. Because of these repressive policies, many Christians emigrated from Jerusalem, leading their numbers to dwindle from 25,000 in 1949 to less than 13,000 in June 1967.

Jerusalem is Unified
In 1967, Jordan ignored Israeli pleas to stay out of the Six-Day War and attacked the western part of the city. The Jordanians were routed by Israeli forces and driven out of east Jerusalem, allowing the city's unity to be restored. Teddy Kollek, Jerusalem’s mayor for 28 years, called the reunification of the city "the practical realization of the Zionist movement's goals."

Freedom of Religion
The Temple Mount
After the war, Israel abolished all the discriminatory laws promulgated by Jordan and adopted its own tough standard for safeguarding access to religious shrines. "Whoever does anything that is likely to violate the freedom of access of the members of the various religions to the places sacred to them," Israeli law stipulates, is "liable to imprisonment for a term of five years." Israel also entrusted administration of the holy places to their respective religious authorities.

Muslim rights on the Temple Mount, the site of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque, have not been infringed, and the holy places are under the supervision of the Muslim Waqf. Although it is the holiest site in Judaism, Israel has left the Temple Mount under the control of Muslim religious authorities.

Since 1967, hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians — many from Arab countries that remain in a state of war with Israel — have come to Jerusalem to see their holy places. Arab leaders are free to visit Jerusalem to pray if they wish to, just as Egyptian President Anwar Sadat did at the El-Aksa mosque.

Along with religious freedom, Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem have unprecedented political rights. Arab residents were given the choice of whether to become Israeli citizens. Most chose to retain their Jordanian citizenship. Moreover, regardless of whether they are citizens, Jerusalem Arabs are permitted to vote in municipal elections and play a role in the administration of the city.[82]
Indeed, some lament: "The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall."[83][84]
Racist isolation and boycott campaign since 1945
Copying "The most notable example of an anti-Jewish boycott.. that instituted by the Nazis in 1933."[85] Arab nations started boycotting Jewish products even before the modern State of Israel, in 1945.[86] In recent years it has also been linked with causing racism against Jews.[87] In "BDS, Anti-Semitism's New Face," the writer expands on the movement to "isolate Israel as part of their program to destroy Israel."[88] One of the major pushers for the "divestment campaign" to isolate Israel, is The Arab based 'CounterPunch.' (hosted by Pilosoft, which hosts as well various Arab organizations including aljadid, associated with the ADC Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee and) It is also one of the leading "truthers," malevolently spreading around conspiracy theories about the Islamic 9/11 attack.[89] The Palestinian lobby... strategy of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions, itself an extension of a racist Arab League boycott campaign against Jews that goes back (formally) to 1945 - years before the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel.[90] Scholar explains the roots of modern boycott:
This antecedent movement is unabashedly anti-semitic and racist, having started with a de facto boycott as early as 1922 against Jewish interests, not Israeli interests, 26 years prior to the establishment of the State of Israel. The Arab League Council formally instated a boycott on December 2, 1945: "Jewish products and manufactured goods shall be considered undesirable to the Arab countries". That, might I remind you, is a little less than 3 years before the establishment of the State of Israel and 22 years before the "occupation" began following the 6-Day War in 1967.
The Arab-League Boycott and the modern DFI are not one in the same; however, they share the same ideological roots of racism and anti-Semitism towards anyone from Israel. During the initial years of the Arab-League Boycott, all products, whether made by Jew or Arab were boycotted...[91]
Author G. Jochnowitz:
Despite Israel's lack of importance and despite the weakness of the moral charges against it, Israel is an outcast. Israeli nationalism - Zionism - has been declared racism. The Arab League enforces secondary and tertiary boycotts against Israel. Jews may not enter Saudi Arabia, except for American soldiers. Malaysia forbids the performance of "Jewish" music. This endless policy of boycott and non-recognition is officially the policy of most Arab states. Countries like Libya, Iraq or Saudi Arabia have never suggested that they would make peace if Israel did X or Y or Z. Their opposition to Israel, supported by leftists everywhere in the world, is one of permanent enmity. Since such a stance excludes the possibility of peace, it is implicitly genocidal and therefore radically evil.[92]
In a classical example, an ardent anti-Israel "advocate", who has -for a long time- called for a boycott of Israeli goods, jumped to the next step by calling (in 2009): "Do not buy anything from businesses run by the Jewish community."[93]
Arab nationalism, Fascism and Nazism
Arab nationalist movements are deeply rooted in the Fascist and Nazi rise of the 1920's and 1930's, "literally all of the founders of Arab nationalism, Amin el-Husseini, Sati' al-Husri, Michel Aflaq, and others, were in this category: Arab nationalism itself was a direct imitation of German nationalism during the interwar period when the Germans turned to Nazism."[94] One of the first [modern] pan-Arab and pan-Islamic leader/hero was Hitler's staunch ally, the Mufti of "Palestine."[95][96][97]
Arab officials requested from the Nazis in 1933 the establishing of Arab Nazi Parties in Palestine and in Iraq. It was rejected by Nazi officials at that time.[98] (It seems, the Germans didn't pick -what they considered- a member of the "monkey" race, as Hilter regarded the Arabs,[99] but a "pure Aryan," like: Ben Salem, former SS-Bann- fuehrer Bernard Bender, who was Chief of the Gestapo Special Branch for detection of Jewish underground movements in Poland and Russia,[100] ran the Political Section of the Egyptian Gestapo, and was called by the Germans the chief of the Arab Nazi party and chosen by the enemy as the future representative of the Arabs in the political meaning of the word.[101])Nevertheless, an Arab Nazi Party in Palestine was in effect active later on by the Husseinis who used the Palestinian Arab Party for it.[102]
The "pan-Arab and pan-Islamic alliance with the Nazi regime,"[103] has a long lingering impact till today,[104] with parallel ideologies and aspirations in pan-Arabism and pan-Islamism.[105]
The Libyan Arab Republic is a major hub in the slavery market coming out of the Arab-Islamic controlled Khartom regime.[106] There have been major racist attacks against African migrant workers,[107] Over the years, reports have surfaced of harsh, sometimes xenophobic, behaviour by Libyans towards black African migrant workers.[108] Blacks have been used as scapegoat in the 2011 uprising against the oppressive regime of Gadhafi.[109] Gadhafi is accused of bringing a truly racist crusade against Chad and Africa,[110] and for pushing the Arabization in the Sudan-Chad region via a racist pan-Arab ideology, Arab supremacy on non-Arabs.[111]

Berbers spoke out against "Gaddafi's dictatorship to stop its discriminatory apartheid policy on all things Amazigh."[112] World Amazigh Congress in January 2011 stated that "The Khadafi regime... continues to follow its apartheid politics towards Imazighen, depriving them of their language and culture, and threatening them with death when they claim their Amazigh identity."[113]In May 2011, Berber activists held the "Moroccan flag during a protest." In "solidarity with Bouzakhar brothers detained by the Libyan apartheid regime."[114]
The Ba'ath regime since the 1950s' was regarded "a kind of Arab Nazi Party."[115]
In Iraq, the racist fringe has come to occupy center stage; it was Saddam Hussein's foster-father, uncle, and father-in-law Khairullah Tulfa who wrote the edifying pamphlet. Whom God Should Not Have Created: Persians, Jews and Flies.[116][117]
Sunnis in Iraq have viciously enforced ethnic and religious apartheid in Iraq for over 40 years against minorities such as: Kurds, Shia and Marsh Arabs.[118] The Sunni ruling class of this Iraqi minority, behaved like Apartheid of South Africa, against the rest of Iraqi diversity.[119]
Saddam, in his racist anti non-Arab hatred of the Kurds,[120][121] has carried out the genocide in Anfal, where he used chemical weapons, with a clear goal of ethnic cleansing the Kurdish population.[122] He also conducted ethnic cleansing against the Shi'a Iraqis and the Marsh Arabs whose culture has flourished for more than a millennium.[123][124]
The Times has put it "Kurdish and marsh Arab genocide and anti Shi'ite apartheid."[125] Even today, the Kurds suffer second class status and racism.[126] There has been as well 'Ethnic cleansing' of Arab-Palestinians in Iraq.[127]
Black Iraqis face racism.[128]
The section with a darker complexion, the indigenous al-Akhdam, the "lowest" class, have been subject to cruel racial stigmatization, harsh discrimination and oppression.[129][130]
From a report submitted to the UN, in May 2011 on the "human rights situation of the Al-Akhdam population":
The report focuses specifically on the human rights situation of the Al-Akhdam community in Yemen, a situation which has been addressed by the Committee in the List of Issues
For centuries the Al-Akhdam has suffered perpetual discrimination, persecution and ensuing crimesat Yemens most marginal social, economic, and political spaces where they are violently excluded from mainstream society as an untouchable ethnic outcaste.
Social discrimination faced by the Al-Akhdam
Local folklore proverbs, inherited over generations, have helped isolating the Akhdam socially andhave enhanced enhanced apartheid-like differences.
Such proverbs indicate that the Akhdam are unclean and dirty, e.g. Never be lured by Akhdam, who are dirty even in bones or: If a dog eats in your saucer, clean it; but if a khadem eats in your saucer, break it.[131][132]
1) Anti-black Arab racism in the area of Palestine dates back at least since the Bedouins' owning African slaves.[133] The groups of black people living in the Negev and as refugees in Gaza today are the descendants of slaves of the Bedouin.[134][135][136] In Arabic "oabd," pl. "oabid."[137] However, slavery as an institution faded away by the Bedouins only when they came under the Israelis.[138] Under the old system slaves could not sit in the guest tent, or shig, at the same level as their masters. In some places this is still observed, with the role of the black people as inferior "servants."[139]
Arab-Palestinian authority has been condemned[140] for a racist cartoon against African-American C. Rice[141][142] by its press. The Hamas authority in Gaza portrayed C. Rice as a "black snake."[143]

2) Targeting of civilian Jews by Arab Palestinians and Hezbollah only because they are Jews, has been well noted, despite all excuses under which Arab-Islamic attackers hide under.[144] A writer in Haaretz exposes the racism of Arabs (in Israel/Palestine) justifying terror against Jews: Terrorism is many things, but justifiable is not among them. The person who justifies terror in any form, is declaring that it is legitimate in certain cases to kill innocent people. If justifying the murder of innocents because they belong to a certain hated group is not abject racism, I'd like to know what is.[145]
During Israel's anti-terror operation in Jenin (2002), Arab "Palestinians" refused [to be helped/cured by] blood donations from Jews, because they didn't want 'Jewish blood.'[146] Jews are frequently described as [in radical Islamic teaching] "apes and pigs."[147] This typical Palestinian-Arab racism of dehumanization of Jews is shamelessly paraded on national TV.[148] The constant Anti-Jewish hatred campaign by Palestinian political, religious Authority and media is documented.[149]
Hamas, and its anti-Jewish hate literature was connected,[150] for example, to the Islamic gang "The Barbarians," who in 2006, kidnapped Ilan Halimi in Paris, targeted for being a Jew,[151]tortured him for over 3 weeks,[152] often while the Quran was recited.[153][154][155] Kidnappers were torturing Halimi - for their amusement,[156] then stabbed him and set him alight.[157]
JPost article decries Arab racism's plan for [ethnic cleansing] "No Jews in Judea," and how critics are pre-occupied with Israel who's "ultra-tolerant", yet, are silent about Arab racism.[158]
Researcher I. Marcus shows the "striking similiarities of Palestinian and Nazi racism," and the taboo -since WW2- of incitement to genocide of Jews, that has been broken by the Palestinian authority.[159]

3) The refugees of 1948's plight under 'Palestinian authority' has been categorized as an apartheid status.
In an article titled "Enforced Misery: The PA and the Balata 'Refugee' Camp," A. H. Miller asks: Where are the flotillas protesting the PA's version of apartheid?
If you want to use the term "apartheid" to characterize some aspect of Middle East politics, then Balata is a good place to apply it. It is the Palestinian Authority's answer to Soweto.
The PA does not permit the children of Balata to go to local schools. It does not permit the people of Balata to build outside the one square kilometer. The people of Balata are prevented from voting in local elections, and the PA provides none of the funds for the necessary infrastructure of the camp - including sewers and roads.
Balata and the other refugee camps are showcases of contrived misery. They are Potemkin villages in reverse. Naïve peace activists and unsophisticated Western clergy are led through such camps to witness the refugee drama, with Israel conveniently and prominently cast in the role of villain.
Originally, there were about 700,000 Palestinian refugees. Because the Palestinians have rewritten the meaning of the term "refugee," creating refugees that transcend generations; there are now 4.5 million Palestinian refugees.
The original number of Palestinian refugees is roughly equivalent to the number of Mizrahi Jews that were forcibly evicted from the Arab and Islamic world after the establishment of the state of Israel. Israel, and to a lesser degree the West, absorbed these refugees. Within three years, they ceased being refugees. Today, neither they nor their descendants inhabit dismal, overcrowded camps, living as a people apart and without hope.
The Arab world supposedly cares about the plight of the Palestinians. But the Arabs have done little to transform Palestinian refugees into citizens. With the exception of Jordan, Palestinian refugees have been treated throughout the Arab world as a people apart - people to be showcased, but not to be extended a modicum of civility and compassion.[160]
S. Stern exposed 'the hypocrisy of the Palestinians when it comes to hurling accusations of "apartheid,"' under "Mr Abbas tear down this wall":
Balata's Palestinian residents are prohibited, by the Palestinian Authority, from building homes outside the camp's official boundaries. They do not vote on municipal issues and receive no PA funding for roads or sanitation. As part of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's "economic renaissance" and state-building project, a brand new Palestinian city named Rawabi is planned for the West Bank near Bethlehem. But there will be no room at the inn for the Balata refugees. Sixty years after the first Arab-Israeli war, Balata might accurately be defined as a UN-administered, quasi-apartheid, welfare ghetto.
This historical and political absurdity-unique in the experience of the world's tens of millions of refugees displaced by modern war and political conflict-helps explain why Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas walked away from the best deal his people have ever been offered. It happened in November 2008, when Ehud Olmert, then the prime minister of Israel, presented him with a detailed map of a future Palestinian state that, with land swaps, would constitute close to 100 percent of the territory of the West Bank and Gaza prior to the June 1967 war. Olmert also offered to divide Jerusalem, enabling the Palestinians to locate their capital in the eastern half of the city. The only thing he would not agree to was a right of return for Palestinian refugees-for the obvious reason that this would mean the end of the Jewish state.[161]
4) The "Palestinian" Arabs have a long history of targeting the ethnic Maronite Christians. As a result of the Syria-Palestinian crimes in Lebanon, there are charges that they're responsible for the deaths of approximately 100,000 Lebanese and the flight of about a half a million people from the country.[162] One of the highlighted massacres was in Damour, 1976, which proceeded the Sabra Shatila "reprisal"[163] attack by the Christians.[164]
See extensive info on official #PALESTINE ARAB ISLAMIC APARTHEID.
Gulf Arabs
Some two million Asian maids are subjected to physical abuse, beating, sexual harassment, rape in Gulf states, without proper legal cover.[165]
In an extended article about "Arab Racism against Non-Arabs: Slavery in our Times," Pakistani journalist traces the current racism and Arab supremacy against all non-Arabs to the early days of Islam. [166] Saudi Arabia has been especially noted for harsh treatments of South Asians.[167] Amnesty charged on Saudi Arabia that Asian workers continue to suffer behind closed doors.[168]
In one example, the Daily Mail published (Nov. 2010) "Shocking photos of Indonesian maid after Saudi employer hacked off her lips." As activists put it: 'Again and again we hear about slavery-like conditions, torture, sexual abuse and even death, but our government has chosen to ignore it. Why? Because migrant workers generate $7.5billion of dollars (£4.7billion) in foreign exchange every year.'[169]
New York Times' columnist Maureen Dowd wrote about: "gender apartheid," on "the plight of maids in Saudi Arabia," and that "many workers are on death row and don't get a fair trial."[170]

Sri Lankan maids are abused across the Arab middle east.[171]
From some atrocious examples: a maid 'held hostage' for 14 years in Saudi Arabia. Campaigners decry "widespread abuse, and conditions close to slavery. Sexual abuse and physical violence are often reported." One incident, which received widespread publicity, involved a Sri Lankan maid repatriated after having nails hammered into her legs, hands and forehead.[172] From a 2011 report: "Nepali women victims of prostitution and slavery in Arab countries", asserts that "hundreds of women emigrated for work to Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Islamic countries, and have not been heard from for years. Those who succeed in returning home shows signs of physical exhaustion, injuries and are often infected with AIDS."[173] Worth mentioning, that the Saudis "supplied oil to the apartheid regime in South Africa to help it survive an international boycott."[174] The UAE has been accused of slavery of Asians (mainly Pakistanis and Indians), keeping them in horrindes conditions and exploiting them immensely.[175] After an outcry, the government was finally forced to acknowledge and adnmit to the wide 'racism in Dubai.'[176] ‎ N. Malik wrote in The Guardian (2011) "Dubai's skyscrapers, stained by the blood of migrant workerson," that "It seems to me a place where the worst of western capitalism and the worst of Gulf Arab racism meet in a horrible vortex."[177] The South Asian slaves under the Arab business elites have been dubbed "The second coming of Saladin."[178] An estimated 10 million Asians work in the Emirates in quasi-slave.[179] F. Ghitis wrote (in 2010): "Foreign women are treated like slaves," citing testimony that "nothing compares to the plight of South Asian women in Saudi Arabia."
Saudi Arabia hosts some eight million foreigners, mostly poor people from Asia and the Middle East, desperate for work. Hundreds of thousands are women employed as domestic workers, living in conditions that are often no better than slavery. Some 400,000 Sri Lankans live there, mostly women working in private homes. Too many of them experience horrific abuse, including beatings, rape and even murder.
Sri Lankan politician Ranjan Ramanayake says he frequently receives pleading calls from relatives of workers in the Gulf. Saudi Arabia is the worst, he noted. "It is followed by Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Abu Dhabi. Our mothers, sisters and daughters undergo unspeakable harassment.[180]
Some reported that 'Indian maids tortured, denied food, treated worse than dogs,' in Qatar.[181]

Mr. Yemini on historic Kuwaiti-Arab apartheid against Arab-Palestinians:
In 1991 Palestinians made up 30% of the country's population. Compared to other Arab countries, their situation was reasonable. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. In the framework of attempts at compromise which preceded the first Gulf war, Saddam brought up the 'suggestion' of withdrawal from Kuwait in return for an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the West Bank. The PLO with Yasser Arafat at its head supported Saddam. That support was the opening shot for one of the worst events in Palestinian history. After the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation began an anti-Palestinian campaign which included persecution, arrests and show trials. The difficult saga ended with the expulsion of 450,000 Palestinians. Some of which, incidentally, had been there since the 1930s and many had no connection to Arafat's support for Saddam. And despite that, they were subject to collective punishment, transfer of proportions similar to the 'Naqba' of 1948, which barely merited a mention in the world media. There are numerous academic papers on the expulsion and fleeing in 1948. There are close to zero papers on the subject of the 'Naqba' of '91.[182]
The Arab-Sunni anti-Shiite oppression in Bahrain, defined as apartheid, is not only culturally and religiously separation,[183] but ethnically[184] and racist as well. Or as some called it "Arab apartheid." New York Times' N. Kristof asked about the anti-Shia Sunni Apartheid in Bahrain: "Is this Apartheid in Bahrain?"[185] Subsequently there were calls for
How About a Bahraini Apartheid Week? P. Benson asks:
Can you imagine the outrage if Israel treated Israeli Arabs and Palestinians the same way Kristof describes Bahrain's Sunni elite treating Shias?
There's a fear of the rabble, a distrust of full democracy, a sense of entitlement. Apartheid isn't exactly the right metaphor, because there isn't formal separation (although neighborhoods are often either Sunni or Shia), and people routinely have very close friends of the other sect. But how can a system when 70 percent of the population is not eligible for the army be considered fair? How can a system in which the leading cabinet positions are filled by one family be considered fair?
The government talks about "unity" and complains that the opposition is encouraging sectarianism. Please! An American friend was on the roundabout Thursday morning when police attacked. They caught him but when they saw he was American they were friendly and said they were hunting Shia only. My friend said the experience left him feeling icy, as if they were hunting rats. And several people I talked to who were there said that the police used anti-Shia epithets and curses as they were beating prisoners.[186]
New York Times' Anthony Shadid in an (Aug. 2011) overview "After Arab Revolts, Reigns of Uncertainty,"‎
... Syrian rebels denounce Hezbollah, which prides itself on its resistance to Israel. Bahrain withdrew its ambassador from Damascus as it carried out a crackdown on its Shiite majority that smacks of apartheid.[187]
And on the HuffintonPost S. Cohen wrote: "Bahrain: The Missing 'A' Word"
In all the coverage of the freedom protests in Bahrain, a certain word beginning with the letter 'A' has been strikingly absent.
I don't mean 'autocratic.' Nor 'authoritarian.' Both of those have been invoked, and rightly so.
I refer to the word 'apartheid.' The Afrikaner term for 'separateness,' apartheid prevailed in South Africa from 1948 until 1993, when that country was under white minority rule.
While apartheid as a system was snuffed out in South Africa, it has survived as a descriptor that is deployed, in the main, by the bitterest detractors of Israel, but is arguably more relevant in the case of another Middle Eastern country: Bahrain.
It's always worth recalling what the original model of apartheid involved. In South Africa, 90 percent of the population was composed of non-whites (blacks in the main, but also mixed race and Indian communities) who were disenfranchised and deprived of fundamental human and civil rights.
Through such measures as the Group Areas Act (1950), the Bantu Education Act (1953), the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (1953), the Suppression of Communism Act (1950), and the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949), the apartheid regime micromanaged the lives of its subjects on the basis of their skin color. Under apartheid, it was the law that determined where blacks could live, what they could study, which seats they could occupy on public transport, what they could say or write publicly, with whom they could share a bed or marry.
It was this reliance on law that made apartheid South Africa peculiar. Discrimination is a feature of most countries, but very few enshrine it within a legal framework.
In Bahrain, where 70 per cent of the population is Shi'a, and power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of the Sunni minority, the constitution speaks of equality -- formally, then, it's very different to apartheid South Africa. Yet when it comes to actual practice, the similarities are striking, as this report from the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) makes painfully clear.
Mr. Cohen goes on about the ethnic separation in apartheid Bahrain:
Residency rights, for example, are at least partly determined by ethnic origin. The report discusses "one of Bahrain's largest district, Riffa," which occupies "more than 40 percent of Bahrain land, in which a majority of the members of ruling family reside." Shi'a and some Persian origin Sunnis, the report continues, are prohibited from living there. A Reuters report last October highlighted a related problem: the 53,000 Shi'a who have been denied government housing because of their origin, some for as long as 20 years.
It's a similar story in the labor market. "Employment in government bureaus does not follow a clear and specific standard, but is governed by family and sectarian connections," the BCHR report says, pointing out that the Shi'a majority occupies, at most, 18 percent of the top jobs in government. When it comes to unemployment, 95 percent of those without jobs are Shi'a.
Do these facts about discrimination in Bahrain add up to apartheid? A sober analysis based on the understanding of apartheid as a system, rather than a pejorative term to be thrown at those you don't like, would conclude that the overlap is hardly precise. At the same time, there is no arguing against the claim that Bahrain is a society where inequality is ethnically rooted, and then buttressed by the denial of civic and political freedoms.
He exposes the real agenda of those loud shouters of "apartheid" only to propogate against Israel while being silent where (really) applicable:
Bahrain is not the only Arab country where minorities rule over majorities: Syria is another, as was Iraq under Saddam Hussein. In none of these cases has the word "apartheid" ever been uttered. Those South Africans, such as Bishop Desmond Tutu, who have eagerly franchised the word in the case of Israel have been absolutely silent when it comes to Arab parallels. And believe me, it's not because they are worried about social scientific rigor.[188]
One can catch a glimpse into (tightly closed) racist Saudi Arab society from a Sunday Times article titled "How a British jihadi saw the light." Testimony includes,
Racism was an integral part of Saudi society. My students often used the word "nigger" to describe black people. Even dark-skinned Arabs were considered inferior to their lighter-skinned cousins.[189]
it even stretches to inter-Saudi racism with one tribe singing derogatory odes about another tribe.[190]
Al-Nuwaisser, describes his (2007) book "Sami, an unwanted child, deals with corruption and racism in Saudi Arabia."[191]
In "Saudi Arabia Exposed: Inside a Kingdom in Crisis," John R. Bradley Wrote about racism in Saudi Arabia to its dark skinned citizens
A desirable quarter at the height of the oil-boom years of the 1970s, Al-Ruwais has become one of the last places any Saudi would choose to live (and since Westerners have become the targets of Islamists they, ... though, it merely proved unpleasant, with its crumbling villas and dingy, pot-holed lanes that lead from the main roads to pockets of slum housing, where trash remained uncollected for weeks and sewage trickled down the crushed, rat-infested gutters. Its inhabitants were still mostly Saudis, but almost all of them were not only poor but also black: an early hint of how the endemic racism in Saudi society is not directed exclusively at Third World immigrants. There were other hints, too...[192]
Author R. Loimeier cites:
Many African Muslims who studied in Saudi Arabia did in fact not become Wahhābī but were appalled by many aspects of life in Saudi Arabia , such as Saudi racism toward Africans and the hypocrisy of Saudi lifestyles ( outwardly religious, inwardly Western and materialistic).[193]
In 2003, the 'European Armenian Federation' urged EU to Denounce Turkey’s Anti Armenian Apartheid Policies Stating: "The European Commission should be well aware that blaming low level officials for continued human rights abuses and violations is the Turkish Government’s usual alibi in its effort to clean up its image with international organization," After it was unveiled that while the report cites a number of human rights violations related to freedom of speech–rights of minorities–torture–and the lack of constitutional law–it does not highlight the lack of political will to bring about positive change. Further–while the report apparently discusses the hardships of most non-Muslim minorities in Turkey–it refrains from focusing on the ongoing policy of oppression against the Armenian minority in that country.
Furthermore: "In addition to the religious discrimination that all Christian minorities suffer in Turkey–the Armenia’s–who are descendants of the victims of the genocide committed by the Turkish government–are subjected to a distinct policy of racism–an anti-Armenian policy of apartheid," added Tchoboian.
"Their collective rights continue to be violated through threats of confiscation and expropriation of school facilities–churches and community institutions and daily attacks on their freedom of speech–opinion and conscience. Here again–despite the promise of reforms–the government has erected insurmountable obstacles and attributed them to the poor application of the law by "local officials."
Tchoboian cited a directive issued by Turkish Minister of Education Huseyin Celik earlier this year as a flagrant example of the ongoing oppression of the Armenian minority. The April 14–2003–decree mandated that all schools in Turkey–including Armenian schools–sponsor essay competitions and events denying the Armenian Genocide. Turkish teachers who questioned the circular have been arrested and dismissed from their jobs. "This policy was orchestrated by top government leaders–not by local officials," remarked Tchoboian.
The Chairperson of the European Armenian Federation warned that the absence of firm action by European authorities serves to encourage the Turkish authorities to extend with impunity their policy and practices of denial to the university level. The European Parliament’s concerns regarding this issue–as expressed in the Oostlander report–should trigger a response by European executive authorities against Turkey’s racist decrees."[194]
In Muslim Turkey, victims include : Greeks, [some of anti-Greek racism by Muslim Turkey is due to Turkey's ethnic cleansing crimes,[195]] Armenians, Kurds, Jews (For example, on March 2010,A Turkish newspaper reports that police burst into an Istanbul synagogue during recent Sabbath services and demanded worshipers' ID's.[196]) and others.[197] The Kurds are probably hit hardest in racial persecution.[198] The Ottawa Citizen on the "apartheid week": Turkey and other Muslim countries make sure the Kurds remain stateless and dispossessed - and campus activists couldn't care less...[199] There were reports of Turkey using chemical weapons against Kurdish rebels.[200]
Turkey's Constitution provides a single nationality designation for all Turks and thus does not recognize ethnic groups as national, racial, or ethnic minorities.[201]
It has been mentioned that Turkey's Constitution is against the Kurds and the apartheid constitution is very similar to it.[202] Author A. Manafy: The Kurdish deprivation of their own culture, language, and tradition is incompatible with democratic norms. It reflects an apartheid system that victimizes minorities like Armenians, Kurds, and Shii Muslems [Shiite Muslims].[203] Some have put it: "religious and racial apartheid."[204]
In a journalist's words: "racial attacks, genocides and the national oppression policy adopted against the Kurdish people in Turkey."[205]
Activists decried "The Apartheid Nation of Turkey," as the application of Kurdish politicians, to restore their status as members of parliament was dismissed.[206]
Iraqi-Kurdish cinematographer: "Unfortunately today for Kurds in Turkey, in Syria, in Iran, it is very hard to make movies. It's very difficult to work because there is an apartheid against Kurdish [people], there is no equality, there are no human rights, there is no freedom."[207]
Author A. Manafy: The Kurdish deprivation of their own culture, language, and tradition is incompatible with democratic norms. It reflects an apartheid system that victimizes minorities like Armenians, Kurds, and Shii Muslems [Shiite Muslims].[208]
There's an exclusion and a supremacy against Kurds and non-Muslims in Turkey.[209] Kurdish activists called for: sit-ins and demonstrations to end the Turkish version of the Apartheid.[210]
Greeks wrote extensively on Turkey's Aggression, War Crimes, Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid Policy in Cyprus.[211] The quotas on the "resettlement" of Greeks limited to a Turkish Muslim majority has been branded a real apartheid.[212]
Under title "Will the Wall Tumble Down?" written in the Houston Post and appaering in the 'U.S. Government Printing Office Home Page,' (March 1994):
To cross the border, you first show your passport to Greek Cypriot military officials. They will let you by, but only after asking politely that you not go. They point to a hand-painted sign that reads:
Beyond this checkpoint is an area of Cyprus still occupied by Turkish troops since the invasion in 1974. The invaders expelled 180,000 Cypriots of Greek origin from their ancestral home and brought over colonists from mainland Turkey to replace them.
Enjoy yourself in this land of racial purity and true apartheid.
Enjoy the sight of our desecrated churches.
Enjoy what remains of our looted heritage and homes.
Below the sign is a painting of Cyprus with a bloody dagger stuck through the heart of Nicosia.[213]
A journalist reminds us: "Turkey continues to harass and persecute its Alevis, Kurds, Zoroastrians and other minorities." and asks: How many Christians or Jews, for example, are in its government?[214]
There's wide Islamic religious discrimination[215] against the Alevi minority in Turkey, they have a history of persecution and apartheid, past and present in that country.[216][217]
Islamic Republic of Iran treats its Arabs as second class citizens.[218] Often, Ahwazi Arabs face Execution in Iran.[219][220]
Ahwaz Human Rights Organization speaking on behalf of Arab-Iranian or Ahwazi Arab [indigenous] minority in Iran: "since 1925 its been dominated and ruled by the Persian ethnic group –thus creating a cultural and a linguistic apartheid."[221]
In 2010, the UN anti-racism panel found Iran discriminating against Kurds, Arabs and other ethnic minorities. The racism body decried Iran's horrific treatment of its subjects.[222]
Indeed the UNPO organization decried (in 2010): "Iran An Unknown Apartheid,"
Iranian representatives plead for international community to address bigotry towards minorities.
UNPO representatives addressed Permanent Missions in the UN on Friday 12 February to decry the situation of minorities within the Islamic Republic of Iran, just days before Iran comes under examination in their first ever Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council.
The event hosted by Interfaith International and UNPO provided a platform for debate and discussion of rights violations with a particular focus on the Baloch, Ahwazi Arab, Azerbaijani Turk and Kurdish minorities.
In reference to the obstacles placed before religious and ethnic minorities in the workplace and to gain access to university, Mr. Nasser Boladai from West Balochistan denounced life for many citizens in Iran as a form of "apartheid about which the world is unaware".[223]
There are charges of the Islamic Republic's racism and apartheid against non-Iranians even in sports.[224]
Filmaker spoke out on Iran's "apartheid against Kurdish [people], there is no equality, there are no human rights, there is no freedom."[225]
In "Iran and the challenge of diversity: Islamic fundamentalism, Aryanist racism, and democratic struggles," author A. Asgharzadeh interrogates the racist construction of Arya/Aria and Aryanism in an Iranian context, arguing that a racialized interpretation of these concepts has given the Indo-European speaking Persian ethnic group an advantage over Iran's non-Persian nationalities and communities. [226]
On Iranian racism, author elaborates: the bogus pro- Palestinian politics of the reigning regime degenerates into an anti-Jewish language. Iranian racism is particularly evident in Tehran, where similar racist negativity is directed at provincial Iranians- the Isfahanis, the Rashtis, the Azaris, the Kurds, the Lors, the Baluchis, the Arabs, or what the Tehranis in moments of unsurpassed whitewashed racism call dehatis, a nasty derogatory term meaning "the peasants." The roots of this Tehrani-based racism is deeply buried in the whitewashed, Eurocentric Iranian bourgeoisie, who grotesquely identify with Europe, dye their hair blond, provincial Iranians.[227] Son of a dark-skinned Iranian tells of Iranian racism in the manner by which his dad was called.[228]
Ahmadinejad was accused of anti-African racism when he called Barack Obama a "house slave."[229]
Iran's Hezbollah
Iranian proxy, [Lebanese based] Hezbollah's TV Al-Manar is termed: 'Beacon of Hatred.'[230][231] Not surprisingly, France, Spain, Germany and the US have all banned al-Manar.[232] 'Der Spiegel' points out in an article titled: "'Wipe Out the Jews': Anti-Semitic Hate Speech in the Name of Islam," that the 'Hamas station', which was founded in 2006, is modeled on the Hezbollah station.[233]
Iran and its Hezbollah Arab terror thugs who aided the Arab-Islamic attackers, murderers of around 3,000 people on 9/11 [2001],[234][235][236] were quick to invent 'conspiracy theories' immediately afterwards, [part of a routine] to pin their crimes against humanity on their victims, the Zionists. The venom was spread via its Al-Manar TV.[237] Interesting enough, Al-Qaeda itself refuted it. Osama bin Laden's chief deputy said: "Iran propagated 9/11 theory."[238]
Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech delivered in Beirut and aired on Al-Manar TV on September 28, 2001, went on a rant on the Jewish people in general, with Nazi like theories, fusing with radical Islam interpretations.[239] On October 23, 2002 he uttered his genocidal hateful statement: "If they all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."[240][241][242]
Egypt's blacks suffer racism.[243] Egyptian regime cracked down on African migrants.[244] Egyptian soldiers even killed Darfurians trying to escape into free and democratic state of Israel.[245]
Nubians in Egypt have endured ethnic cleansing[246] and suffer racism.[247]
The Coptic minority, known to be the true native, indigenous Egyptians (pre-dating the Arab-Islamic invaders),[248] have been under severe persecution, especially whenever the Egyptian regime had better relations with the Muslim Brotherhood.[249] Nasser's Arab-Nationalism's policies effected the Copts greatly.[250] The Copts: "We have suffered greatly from racism, sectarianism and this is abhorrent."[251]
British MP Edward Leigh, asked (June, 2000) "to end educational apartheid... and to prevent massacres and killings.."[252]
Arab-Islamic Egypt has an official 'legalized' apartheid system. Human rights activist E. Bejjani (2011): The first and major failure and setback committed by the "Higher Military Egyptian Council" members was in their stubborn clinging to Article Two in the country's constitution that legalizes discrimination and apartheid. It states verbatim: "Islam is the religion of the state, Arabic is its official language, and the principles of Islamic Sharia are the main source of legislation".[253] Egypt was also accused by Baptists of apartheid against Christians.[254] Others have also described the treatment of its Copts as similar to apartheid.[255][256]
After yet another anti-Christian attack in Egypt (in 2007), activist wrote "Keeping the Copts Subjugated":
..the violent Muslim pogrom in Bimha bears the same features of other anti-Christian pogroms of the past decade. These familiar elements indicate that the security situation for Egypt's indigenous Copts (who are Christian) is growing increasingly tenuous. The tragedy in Bimha takes Egypt another step backwards into religious and ethnic apartheid as it further reinforces Egypt's indigenous Christian Copts not as equal citizens, but as a subjugated people – dhimmis. It also presents Egyptians with yet another precedent which demonstrates that Copts (Egypt's remnant indigenous peoples, the descendants of the Pharaohs, Christians for nearly 2000 years) can be terrorized, robbed and killed with impunity.[257]
In the summer 2010 edition of The Caucus, a political magazine at the University of Ottawa, an elaborated article appeared "Sectarian Violence: Egypt's Version of Apartheid."[258]
After removing H. Mubarak in Egypt in a so-called "Arab spring," (termed also 'Christian Winter'[259]) anti-Christian attacks intensified, Copt activists called (October, 2011): "Please stop religious apartheid in Egypt.
Shame on you Egyptian army and police Beating up viciously Christians peacefully protesting the burning of church in Edfu." And why Egypt doesn't arrest the Mosque's Imam who incites for violence, and the impunity for the Muslim mob attacking church.[260]
Egypt's barring Israelis has been branded an "apartheid" policy.[261]
During celebration of toppling H. Mubarak's regime, a mob with over 200 Arab men in a "wolf pack," brutally attacked a CBS reporter by yelling "Jew!" she was raped multiple times.[262]

Under 'The Arab Apartheid' B. D. Yemini reminds us on the treatment of Arab Palestinians by the Egyptian Arabs:
What happened to the people of the Gaza Strip? How did the Egyptians treat them? Strangely, there are very few items of research relating to those days. But it is a little difficult to hide that not so distant past. The Strip became a closed camp. The exit from Gaza was almost impossible. The Gazans (indigenous and refugees) were subject to strict limitations on employment, education and more. Every evening a curfew was enforced from sunset to sunrise the next day. Only in one field did Egypt help as much as it could: textbooks contained severe incitement against Jews. As early as 1950 Egypt informed the UN that "due to over-population" it could not help the Palestinians by resettling them. That was a suspect excuse. Egypt scuppered a proposal by the UN to re-settle 150,000 refugees in Libya. Even many of the refugees who had run away earlier and were in Egypt proper were forced to move to the giant concentration camp which was being created in the Gaza Strip. In fact, all the proposals for the re-settlement of refugees were brought down by the Arab nations.
Despite the total closure, there are witness statements telling what happened in the Strip in those years. The American journalist Martha Gellhorn visited the refugee camps in 1961. She arrived in the Strip too. It wasn't simple. Gellhorn describes the bureaucratic torture involved in securing an entry visa to Gaza, the days of waiting in Cairo. She also describes the "stark contrast between the pleasantries of the clerks and the anti-Semitic propaganda flowering in Cairo". "The Gaza Strip is not a hole", recounts Gellhorn, "but a big prison. The Government of Egypt is the prison guard". She describes a strict military regime, with all the elite of the Gaza Strip residents expressing devoutly Nasserite views. And so, for instance, "during 13 years (1948-1961) only 300 refugees received temporary exit visas". The only thing the Egyptians provided for the Palestinians was hate propaganda.
This isn't the only witness. In 1966 a Saudi Arabian newspaper published a letter from a resident of the Strip:
"I would be happy if the Strip was conquered by Israel. That way at least we would know that those who abuse our honour, hurt us and torture us – are the Zionist oppressor, Ben Gurion and not the Arab brother whose name is Abdel Nasser. The Jews did not suffer under Hitler as we are suffering under Nasser. In order to go to Cairo or Alexandria or other towns, we have to go through torture."
Radio Jeddah in Saudi Arabia broadcasted the following:
"We are aware of the laws which prevent Palestinians from working in Egypt. We must ask Cairo what is this iron curtain which Abdel Nasser and his band have erected around the strip and the refugees? The military governor in Gaza has forbidden every Arab to travel to Cairo without a military permit, which is valid for only 24 hours. Imagine, Arabs, how Nasser, who claims to be the Arab national pioneer, is behaving towards the miserable Arabs of Gaza, who are starving whilst the military governor and his officers enjoy the riches of the Strip."
Even if we take into account that these are exaggerated descriptions, in a framework of the struggle between Saudi Arabia and Nasser, still we are left with a repressive regime of two decades. And it is worth noting another fact – when Israel got to the Strip the local life expectancy was just 48. After a little more than two decades, life expectancy jumped to 72, and surpassed Egypt. More than allocating points to Israel, this just clarifies the depths in which the Strip was during Egyptian rule.
Refugees from Mandate Palestine also lived in Egypt itself. Many of them did not feel Palestinian and preferred integration. The Egyptians prevented them from achieving that. Apart from a short period of time considered a 'golden era', in some of the years of Nasser's rule, which did not include the Gaza Strip refugees, those in Egypt too suffered restrictions on land purchase, employment in some professions and education (for instance a ban on the establishment of Palestinian schools). Egyptian citizenship law allows citizenship for anyone with an Egyptian father, and was subsequently extended to include Egyptian mothers. But in practice, limitations were placed upon those considered Palestinian. Even an Egyptian court decision to cancel the restrictions did not help. The new regime in Egypt recently promised change. The change, if it does occur, can wipe out years of discrimination, which even reached collective punishment. For instance in 1978 the Egyptian Minister of Culture - Yussuf al Shiba'I - was murdered in Cyprus by an assassin from the Abu Nidal group. In retaliation, the Palestinians suffered a new wave of attacks and the Egyptian Parliament renewed laws putting restrictions on Palestinians in education and employment.[263]
In an exposed "racism on the beaches of Lebanon," it has been revealed the sharp racist and supremacy attitudes by the Gulf Arab and Lebanese-Arab rich towards Asians "inferiors."[264]
In Lebanese apartheid, blacks are not allowed to access swimming pool.[265] From activists' "Anti Racism Movement" in Lebanon (2010)
A group of independent activists organized a direct action on a number of touristic resorts that adopt racist policies towards migrant workers in Lebanon on the basis of color, race, and class.
Some of these resorts had put up signs asking its customers not to bring radio, food and maids to the resort.
After conducting several field researches and verifying the rules and procedures of the resorts, activists went to the resorts identified as the most racist accompanied by an activist of the Madagascari citizenship.
The woman was denied entry by the administration of the resort and no valid reasons were provided.
"We have monitored more than 15 resorts that follow the same traditions and practices of racism against non-whites in Lebanon, reminiscent of the era of apartheid in South Africa, blatant racism in the United States," said the campaign's spokesperson.[266]
The tragedy of an Ethiopian airliner crash in Lebanon, and the racist Lebanese handling of it has highlighted the country's racism.[267]
In 2009, when Lebanon's popular Arab pop singer of white complexion Haifa Wehbe's anti Nubian racist song ("Nubian moinkey") became popular, the attention of Arab racism against Nubians and dark Sudanese surfaced again.[268]
The Arab writer Hazem Saghiyeh who naturally criticizes Israel in atypical blind and prejudicial way [like not recognizing A. Sharon's defense barrier as a factual shield], yet, surprisingly criticized his own country as well, he wrote (in Jan. 2011) on the proposed wall separating Shia from Christians, calling it an “apartheid wall,” that it exposes the divide between these two groups, as part of a larger "apartheid" divide in the Arab-Islamic region.
For the Shia sect, it is worrying that stopping "Shia expansion" is turning into a collective concern among the non-Shia, including Hezbollah's political allies. For the Christian sect, it is worrying that a tendency is growing among them to react to sectarian fear with racial profiling.
What increases the worry for both of these sects' members, and for the Lebanese in general - and for Lebanon itself - is the wide regional climate of banishing the other and forsaking tolerance. This is what we see not only in the crimes committed against Christians in Iraq and Egypt, but also in the growth of the Sunni-Shia struggle across the Islamic world, in the tumultuous conditions in Iraq, in the division of Sudan, and in the potential collapse of Yemen's unity."[269]
Mr. Yemini on historic Lebanese-Arab apartheid against Arab-Palestinians:
In the Gaza Strip the Palestinians only suffered for two decades because of the Egyptian regime. In Lebanon the apartheid continues to this very day. The result is poverty, desolation and high unemployment. Until 1969 there were refugee camps under a harsh military regime in Lebanon. According to Martha Gellhorn's description, most of the refugees lived in a reasonable state. Many even improved their situation compared to the days before the 'Naqba'. But then in 1969 the Cairo Agreement was signed which passed the control of the camps to the refugees themselves. The situation only got worse. Terror factions took control of the camps, which turned them into sites of struggle, mainly violent, between the differing factions.
New research, published in December 2010, presents statistics which make the Gaza Strip look like paradise when compared to Lebanon. Yes, here and there appeared some slight publicity on the subject, but as far as is known, there was no international outcry, and no Turkish or international flotilla.
Unlike in Syria and Jordan, where most of those defined as refugees no longer live in refugee camps, two thirds of the Palestinians in Lebanon live in camps, which are "outposts outside the rule of the state". The most amazing statistic is that despite the fact that around 425,000 are registered with UNWRA as refugees, the research found that only between 260 and 280 thousand Palestinians live in Lebanon. The paradox is that UNWRA gets funding for over 150 thousand people who are not in Lebanon at all. This information alone should have led to a serious investigation by the funding countries (mostly the US and Europe) – but there is no chance that will happen. The question of the Palestinians is laden with so many illusions and lies that another lie makes almost no difference. And so, UNWRA can demand from the international community budgets for 425,000 whilst on its website there appears research showing that this is fiction.
According to the research the refugees suffer from 56% unemployment. It seems that this is the highest figure not only among the Palestinians, but in the entire Arab world. Those who do work are to be found at the bottom of the ladder. Just 6% of those within the work-force have an academic qualification of some kind (compared to 20% in the Lebanese work-force). The result is that 66% of the Palestinians in Lebanon live under the poverty line set at $6 per person per day. That's double the number of Lebanese.
This grim situation is a result of real apartheid. A series of laws in Lebanon limits the right to citizenship, to property and to work within the legal professions, medicine, pharmacy, journalism and more. In August 2010 minimal reform was made to the employment laws but practically, the amendment has not led to any real change. Another rule prevents the entrance of building materials to refugee camps and there are reports of arrests and house demolitions as a result of building in the camps. The partial and limited restrictions which Israel put on the entry of building materials into the Gaza Strip was a result of the firing of rockets at civilian areas. As far as is known, in Lebanon the restriction was not the result of similar firing of rockets at civilian populations. And despite that, again, beyond the dry reports of human rights organisations, from the point of view of 'they are allowed', no serious objections have been recorded, and no "apartheid week" against Lebanon has taken place.[270]
M. R. Cohn wrote: "Not all apartheid is created equal" after thousands have turned out to protest racial discrimination against Palestinians in the apartheid system of Lebanon.
The long-suffering Palestinians face armed soldiers at the gate if they try to leave their camps. They are frozen out of public medical and social services. They are barred from dignified work in dozens of occupations such as engineering, medicine, law and journalism. They cannot own property. Their children are banned from regular schools.
If it looks like apartheid and sounds like apartheid, let's march against it...
Lebanese columnist Rami G. Khouri noted, the treatment of these Palestinians - like "penned-in animals" - must be condemned as a "lingering moral black mark." Writing in the Daily Star of Beirut, Khouri argued that "Lebanon faces a moment akin to ... when South Africans seriously mooted changing their apartheid system in the 1980s.[271]
The treatment of Arab-Palestinians by Arab Lebanese (citing a classic case, where a Palestinian-Arab died because of denial of medical treatment) has been categorized as 'Arab apartheid.'[272]
In a writer's description on the Syrian Arab Republic: "Assad Apartheid perpetrated by his minority rule against ALL Syrians."[273]
N. Cohen in 'The Guardian' wrote (June 2011): "Face the facts - Syria is an apartheid state"
The UN will never tell you this, but Syria is an apartheid-style state. Members of Assad's Alawite sect make up only 14% of the population, but they control government, much of business and all the forces of coercion. Even the underworld is segregated on confessional lines. The shabbiha crime gangs that run the prostitution and smuggling rackets, and whose members the Assads are letting loose on the civilian population, are Alawite mafias.
I hope that liberals of my generation who beat their chests as they protested against racial apartheid in southern Africa will soon feel as outraged by religious apartheid in the Middle East. The Syrian opposition has as much right to our support as the African National Congress did because it has not targeted Alawites because of their religion. Indeed, it places its hopes on the Alawite-led army mutinying. [274]
Amnesty decried racism in Syria and its unfair trial of Kurdish prisoners of conscience and that "torture of children is totally unacceptable."[275] The Kurds have been exposed to murder, forced assimilation and pure racism by the Syrian government. Indeed all evidence suggests that discrimination is rampant.[276] Writer reminds us (April, 2011) that it is "one of the world's most racist, denying millions of Syrian Kurds full citizenship."[277] Others like the Druze and Jews have also been persecuted by the Syrian Arab regime.[278] Druze decried oppression by Syria.[279][280]There is also Holocaust deniel by the official Syrian regime.[281]
Filmaker spoke out on Syria's "apartheid against Kurdish [people], there is no equality, there are no human rights, there is no freedom."[282]
The Fate of the Kurds
The 1.5 million Kurds, who represent about 12% of the total population do not enjoy any of the rights stipulated by the constitution. For over 50 years they have been subjected to an aggressive Arabisation policy, denied the right to speak or be taught in the Kurdish language or to practice Kurdish traditions. Those who are not members of the reigning Ba'ath Party face discrimination, are denied the rights to freedom of speech and association. <p> As a result of a census in 1962, an estimated 120,000 Kurds were expatriated, thus denying them their citizen's rights. Today around 200,000 stateless Kurds are unable to apply for a passport, register their children to attend school, or to have marriages registered. <p> Criticism forbidden <p> Any attempt to criticise the Syrian regime, such as the demonstrations in Damascus on 10 December 2002 and 25 June 2003 is brutally silenced by Syrian security forces. Following these demonstrations many were arrested and some are still in custody today held on vague charges such as "attempting to change the constitution by illegal means" and "spreading false information" <p> In March 2004 Syrian security forces intervened in a clash between supporters of rival Kurd and Arab football teams in Qamishli, leaving several dead and many injured. In the demonstrations which followed this incident, at least 30 Kurdish civilians were killed, over a 1000 were injured and more than 2500 were arrested. According to the SftP's information, at least five Kurds were tortured to death during imprisonment following the demonstrations. Six Kurds were murdered during their military service.
The Syrian authorities have consistently refused to disclose information on the number or identity of people in detention and have denied human rights organisations access to the country. Of those prisoners who have already been released, many report being tortured while in Syrian custody.
American Kurds called out: "Dismantle the Syrian Apartheid Let the Kurds Enjoy their Rights."[284] Other Kurds remind us: "that Apartheid didn¹t just melt away on its own."[285]
Kurdish activists explain:
Syria is occupying a part of Kurdistan in which one million Kurds are living who are subject to the most appalling racist apartheid policies of oppression and assimilation. 150,000 of them are even deprived of having passports, being considered as ‘foreigners' with no right, legally, to enter into employment or marriage. Syria does not allow the Kurds or to call their children Kurdish names.
Syria does not allow the Kurds to use their language for education and promote their art and culture, or to have their own legal political organisations. That is despite the fact that the Kurds are Muslims! But being Muslim for Arab racist regimes that use Islam as an Arabising racist ideology, is equivalent to being an Arab - full stop. [286]
In 2009 there was a series of killing of Kurds in Syria.[287] In 2010, 'Kurds in Iran and Syria continue to face oppression: Annual Report.' Syria's estimated 1.7 million Kurds continue to suffer from discrimination, and oppression.[288] Amnesty expressed fears for Kurdish minority activist detained, and that Kurds in Syria suffer discrimination because of their ethnicity; many of them are denied Syrian nationality and therefore do not get equal rights.[289] From a report that year: the "UK Government is concerned for Kurds in Syria," Syria's estimated 1.7 million Kurds continue to suffer from discrimination, lack of political representation, and tight restrictions... [290]

Syria's apartheid policies against Jews:
Syria's Jews
In 1944, after Syria gained independence from France, the new government prohibited Jewish immigration to Palestine, and severely restricted the teaching of Hebrew in Jewish schools. Attacks against Jews escalated, and boycotts were called against their businesses.
When partition was declared in 1947, Arab mobs in Aleppo devastated the 2,500-year-old Jewish community. Scores of Jews were killed and more than 200 homes, shops and synagogues were destroyed. Thousands of Jews illegally fled Syria to go to Israel.
Shortly after, the Syrian government intensified its persecution of the Jewish population. Freedom of movement was severely restricted. Jews who attempted to flee faced either the death penalty or imprisonment at hard labor. Jews were not allowed to work for the government or banks, could not acquire telephones or driver's licenses, and were barred from buying property. Jewish bank accounts were frozen. An airport road was paved over the Jewish cemetery in Damascus; Jewish schools were closed and handed over to Muslims. Syria's attitude toward Jews was reflected in its sheltering of Alois Brunner, one of the most notorious Nazi war criminals. Brunner, a chief aide to Adolf Eichmann, served as an adviser to the Assad regime. In 1987-88, the Syrian secret police seized 10 Jews on suspicion of violating travel and emigration laws, planning to escape and having taken unauthorized trips abroad. Several who were released reported being tortured while in custody.[291]
Mr. Yemini on historic Syrian-Arab apartheid against Arab-Palestinians:
In the year 1919 in Jerusalem the first conference of associations was held, the first Arab Palestinian conference. At the conference it was decided that Palestine, which had just come under British conquest, was southern Syria – an integral part of Greater Syria. During the years of the Mandate the immigration from Syria to the British Mandate area increased. For instance, the Al-Horani family, which arrived from the Horan area in Syria, and others. The idea of 'Greater Syria', including mandatory Palestine, was expressed in the growing involvement of the Syrians in both the great Arab revolt and the gangs which arrived from Syria during the war of independence. The refugees, therefore, were not strangers politically, religiously or ethnically. The opposite. Their fate should not been different to that of any other ethnic group which were expelled to a place where they made up the ethnic and cultural majority.
Between 70 and 90 thousand refugees arrived in Syria, the majority from Tzfat, Haifa, Tiberias and Acco. In 1954 they were awarded partial rights, which did not include political rights. Until 1968 they were forbidden to hold property. Syrian law allows any Arab to obtain Syrian citizenship as long as his permanent residence is in Syria and he is capable of supporting himself economically. But the Palestinians are the only ones excluded from the terms this law. Even if they are permanent residents and affluent, the law prevents them from receiving citizenship.
Only thirty percent of those still considered for some reason 'Palestinian refugees in Syria' live in refugee camps. In fact, they should have been considered as Syrians from all points of view a long time ago. They were part of the Arab national identity, they are linked by family connections, they should have been integrated into economic life. Yet despite this, as a result of political brain-washing, they remain in Syria as a foreign body, dreaming endlessly of 'the right of return', and beaten by their inferior situation. Most of them are at the bottom of the career ladder, in service industries (41%) and construction (27%). But there is nothing like the field of education to clarify their situation. 23% do not even get to elementary school and 3% only get academic education.[292]
The Syrian system where its (Alawite) minority rule (oppressively) over a majority, has been compared to an apartheid system.[293]
Prof. exposes (in 2009) Jordan: "The Middle East's Apartheid Regime"
...let us put this into perspective. Jordan itself is a pseudo-country sitting on land that properly belongs to the Jews. There is no Jordanian people at all. Jordan is a country composed of Palestinian Arabs with no political rights at all, controlled by a Bedouin ruling elite, which has hegemony over the government and army.

Jordan is as much an apartheid regime as any on earth. Official discrimination against non-Bedouin Arabs is state policy. Jews may not own land in Jordan, and tracts of land once legally purchased by Jews have been stolen from them by the Jordanian government. When Jordan controlled the Old City of Jerusalem it destroyed every single Jewish shrine there and used their stones to build latrines. It tore up gravestones from the Mount of Olives, which has been a respected cemetery for 4000 years, and used them also as building materials. Jordan came into existence as a country when the young Winston Churchill quite literally drew its boundaries on the back of an envelope, drawn so as to accommodate two British petroleum pipelines, in land promised to the Jews under the Balfour Declaration. Instead of Wilsonian national self-determination dictating the emergence of countries, pipeline geography did in the case of Jordan.

Jordan is one of the few countries on earth still ruled by a king, and not a make-pretend ceremonial one, but rather one whose every whim must be obeyed. Moreover, the previous king of Jordan decided to show his devotion to the human rights of Palestinians by massacring tens of thousands of them in the infamous "Black September" of 1970. No one exactly knows how many Palestinian civilians were massacred by the Jordanian ruling class and army, although Yassir Arafat said it was 25,000. The Palestinian terror group "Black September," which carried out the Munich massacre and other atrocities, named itself in memory of this massacre of Palestinians by the Jordanian army. At the time, hundreds of Palestinian terrorists entered Israel and begged to be allowed to be put in Israeli prisons, rather than be returned to Jordan where they faced certain death.

Jordan does not only shoot Palestinians when they ally with Syria and try to topple the Bedouin regime there, as they did in 1970. Palestinian students in Jordan participating in demonstrations against ISRAEL have been mowed down by the Jordanian soldiers. In fact the only country in the Middle East in which students can conduct a spontaneous anti-Israel demonstration against Israel is Israel.

Amnesty International and many others speak out against human rights abuses in Jordan. The treatment of women there is about as bad as it gets anywhere and there are many "honor killings" of women. There is no freedom of the press. Torture is routinely used. One of the more ironic matters is the treatment of homosexuals. Jordanian gays, who face violent persecution, often apply for asylum in Israel.

Jordan of course has a long history of military aggression. It began with the Jordanian invasion of Western Palestine in 1948, when Jordan attempted to annex all of the territory that the UN had tried to partition into Israel and an Arab Palestinian state. Jordan, not Israel, prevented the creation of that Arab Palestinian state. Jordan illegally invaded and held East Jerusalem, including the Old City, starting in 1948 and lasting for nineteen years. It participated in the military aggressions against Israel in 1967 and 1973. The West Bank was taken from Jordan by Israel the same way that Germany lost Alsace and Lorraine, thanks to its losing its own war of aggression.[294]
"The Hashemite Kingdom of Apartheid? " wrote Policy analyst and senior fellow at the 'Center for Liberty in the Middle East.' S. Libdeh (2010)
The rise of radical tribal-based nationalism is leading to increased provocative measures being taken against neighboring countries as well as citizens from other ethnic backgrounds.

In its recently published survey, Freedom House concluded that Jordan is not a “free” country. This startling finding raises serious doubts over the Hashemite regime’s commitment to modernize and build a moderate, peaceful and democratic society.

Jordan is in the midst of a full-scale political and economic crisis due to the King Abdullah II’s inability or unwillingness to build a modern democratic system. Indeed, contrary to the king’s public pronouncements regarding his commitment to political and economic reform, it is clear that the Hashemite regime’s long-term strategy is to acquire permanent status as an “emerging democracy,” without the need to actually deliver on its public commitments for political reform.

In spite of the $6 billion in economic aid that Jordan has received from the US since 1991, the Hashemite regime has been unable to transform the fortunes of the ailing Jordanian economy. Indeed in 2010, Jordan’s deficit doubled to 9 percent of gross domestic product and led to a steep rise in public debt to a staggering $13 billion, or 60% of GDP. Due to the failure and obvious shortcomings of the government’s economic reform program, the king feared that Jordanian nationalists would try to capitalize on widespread public frustration and discontent by applying increased pressure on his fragile regime. In 2009, he dissolved parliament in a thinly disguised attempt to quash any political opposition to his regime.

TRADITIONALLY, JORDANIAN tribes have supported the Hashemite regime, as long as they have benefited from economic patronage from the state. However, when this economic support was subsequently withdrawn – due to the mismanagement of the economy, the tribes considered this a breach of the unwritten agreement it had in place with the state. Consequently, the king has sought to counter this potential conflict with the tribes by maintaining “ethnic cohesion” inside the security/military establishment. This has had the added benefit of enabling the regime to collaborate with the US Army in training troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and, most recently, in Yemen. It has also allowed the regime to secure US military aid.

As a consequence of the above policy, the king has failed to integrate the urban Palestinian-Jordanian majority into the security/military structure. Instead, the king has adopted his grandfather’s 1920s policy by appointing Bani Sakher as the major tribe in control of Jordan’s security affairs. The heads of military, public security as well as the minister of interior now belong to a single tribe that fought other tribes on behalf of the Hashemites before the creation of the Arab Legion.

This policy has exacerbated ethnic tension within the kingdom, and the adoption of a policy of apartheid, clearly demonstrated by the withdrawal of the Jordanian citizenship of more than 2,700 Palestinian-Jordanian citizens. This clearly creates additional challenges for any potential resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and signals a willingness by the Jordanian nationalists to adopt hostile measures against Palestinians and Israelis.

The lack of ethnic diversity in the security establishment has raised concerns that the king may be losing legitimacy in Jordan. Accordingly, the Hashemites are reestablishing kinship ties as a way to preserve his influence in security-related decisions.

But this policy has also put the lives of Jordanians, Americans and even Afghanis at risk. The Khost attack on seven CIA officers last January in Afghanistan was the direct result of the misguided appointment of Prince Ali bin Zeid as the Jordanian case officer, who seemingly failed to convince the Jordanian al-Qaida bomber to cooperate with Jordanian intelligence.

Due to the obvious differences in their social, economic, cultural and ethnic background, the prince was unable to establish and build a relationship of trust with the Jordanian bomber, which would lead to a successful operation. Apparently, the royal family was hungry for a historical victory against al-Qaida, and perhaps huge financial rewards from the US.

AS TRIBALISM flourishes, freedom within Jordanian society will gradually erode. This has led to a weakening of state control that has already resulted in chaos and anarchy erupting in major rural towns. Almost five citizens are killed in Jordan on a weekly basis as a consequence of tribal clashes. The security forces have been unable to maintain order; fortunately, local sheikhs have stepped in to prevent further disturbances.

This is a further example of a weakened state, unable to control actors or impose the rule of law within its own borders – returning back to the Transjordanian norms that characterized the society prior to the establishment of the kingdom. Consequently, the tribes are becoming an increasingly important and active force within the state, which has been greatly assisted with the widespread availability of weapons to citizens.

Jordan’s domestic policies are inconsistent with what is needed to achieve regional stability – vis-à-vis the Arab-Israeli conflict. Apparently, the effect of rising tribal-based nationalism is that it is eating into the cohesive force of citizenship and its institutional manifestations. Accompanied by the weakening structure of the state, the emergence of violent non-state actors is becoming evident. The rise of radical Transjordanian nationalism is leading to increased provocative measures being taken against, and engendering hostility toward, neighboring countries – as well as Jordanian citizens from other ethnic backgrounds.

Perhaps it is time for the international community to revise its policies toward the kingdom – taking into consideration its recent adoption of a policy of apartheid and the lack of political and economic reform within the kingdom.[295]
"Jordan, Dr. Peace and Mr. Apartheid," wrote researcher at the University of Bedfordshire, Muder Zahran (2010), that "The world must tell Jordan that peace and integration of its own Palestinians are not privileges it is giving away." Referring to the state as adopting a "well-established apartheid system” that is "no different than that formerly adopted in South Africa, except for the official acknowledgement of it."[296][297]
Jordan has an 'apartheid'[298] law against all Jews. No Jew is allowed to reside in Jordan.[299] Even those who lived there for generations. [300] It also prohibits selling land to Jews.[301] The Jordanian racist law states: "Any man will be a Jordanian subject if he is not Jewish,"[302] which is downright apartheid.[303]
In "moderate" Jordan most viewed Jews unfavorably in a 2009 poll.[304]
The Gypsies suffer great humiliation and Arab racism. They're forced to hide their true identity if they're to be treated equally.[305] Anti 'Jordan's gypsies' racism prevails even at official levels, with the subject of the Bani Murra's very existence considered a taboo."[306]
Under "Once You Go Black: Racism in Jordan," a poster cites a testimony of an African-American that has studied in Jordan. He returned with a list of all the things he hated about Jordan. "The most prominent item on his list was racism." He said, 'he had never been so conscious of his skin color, of being "black," as much as when he was in Jordan.' All the while, Jordanians were so happy to criticize America over racism.[307]
In 2007, bloggers faced off over Jordanian harsh and humiliating treatment of Iraqi travellers.[308]

Mr. Yemini on historic Jordanian-Arab apartheid against Arab-Palestinians:
Precisely like the identification and unity between the Arabs of Jaffa and southern Israel, and the Arabs of Egypt, similar identification exists between the Arabs of the West Bank and the Arabs of Jordan. Thus, for example, the Bedouin of the Majalis (or Majilis) tribe from the al-Karak region are originally from Hebron. During the days of the Ottoman Empire, Eastern Jordan was part of the Damascus district, like other parts of what later came under the auspices of the British mandate. According to the Balfour declaration, the area now called Jordan was supposed to be part of the Jewish national homeland.
The initial distress of the refugees on both sides of the Jordan River, was enormous. For example, Iraqi soldiers controlled the area of Nablus, and there is testimony about "the Iraqi soldiers taking the children of the rich for acts of debauchery and returning the children to their families the next day, the inhabitants are frequently arrested." (in Hebrew) Indeed, Arab solidarity.
It seemed that Jordan treated the refugees differently. Under a 1954 Jordanian law, any refugee who lived in the area of Jordan between 1948 and 1954 was given the right to citizenship. However, that was only the outward façade. Below is a description of the reality under the Jordanian régime in the West Bank:
"We have never forgotten and we will never forget the nature of the régime that degraded our honor and trampled our human feelings. A régime that was built on an inquisition and the boots of the desert people. We lived for a long time under the humiliation of the Arab nationalism and it hurts to say that we had to wait for the Israeli conquest in order to become aware of humane relations with civilians."
Because these things are liable to sound like an ad from a public relations campaign by the occupying force, it should be noted that they were published in the name of critics from the West Bank in an interview with the Lebanese newspaper Al Hawadith on April 23, 1971.
As in all other Arab countries, Jordan did not do a thing to dismantle the refugee camps. While Israel was absorbing hundreds of thousands of refugees from Europe and the Arab countries in similar camps (transit camps), and undergoing a punishing process of rehabilitation, building new settlements and dismantling the camps, Jordan did exactly the opposite and prevented any process of rehabilitation. During those same two decades, not one institution of higher learning was established in the West Bank. The flowering of higher education began in the 1970s, after the Israelis took control..
Even the citizenship that was given to the refugees was mainly for the sake of appearances. Despite the fact that the Palestinians number over 50% of the inhabitants of Jordan, they hold only 18 seats - out of 110 - in the Jordanian parliament, and only 9 senators out of 55, who are appointed by the king. It should also be recalled that during just one month, September 1970, in one confrontation, Jordan killed many more Palestinians than all the Palestinians who have been hurt in the 43 years of Israeli rule over the West Bank and Gaza Strip.[309]
The roots of the genocide in S. Sudan is in Arab racism[310] against the native Africans. The Arab government in Khartoum has been using the janjaweed militias, described as racist supremacist, an "Arab version of the KKK,"[311] who attack with racial epithets, says US government.[312] The Washington Post wrote about "Arab Genocide, Arab Silence."[313] In "War of visions: conflict of identities in the Sudan" Author F. M. Deng writes on the powerful Arab minority that has dominated the African nation:
Sudan has much in common with South Africa under apartheid, although discrimination expressed itself in strikingly different ways.
In South Africa, apartheid excluded non-Whites. In the Sudan, Arabism both excludes, in the sense that it discriminates against those who are not Arabized or Islamized, and includes, in the sense that it fosters assimilation, which condescendingly implies rejection of or disregard for the non-Arab and non- Muslim elements.
Even when successfully accomplished, assimilation elevates one to the status of an adopted or honorary Arab, still lacking full equality with pure or full- fledged Arabs, who often claim to trace their lineage back to the Arabian peninsula and in some cases to the early followers of Muhammad.[314]
The Arabs have been Injecting an ideological and racist definition as to who is "Arab" and who are zuruq, black.[315] As an author on "The horrible, horrible situation in the Sudan region of Darfur" concludes: For years I questioned the motive and intentions of the Sudanese regime and I concluded that it was a racist war. Today, I have been proven right.[316] Activists argue that it is "a matter of survival that the African and non-Muslim people of Southern Sudan must use all the means available to fight against the racist policy of orouba (Arabism or Arab apartheid) and Islamic sectarianism."[317]
Zanzibar - Tanzania which was long ruled by Arab sultans, who imported slaves from the mainland to cultivate the spice trees,[318] has, still, lingering Arab racism and apartheid.[319]
There's wide racial discrimination in Tanzania, especially, Apartheid style of discrimination towards locals has been reported in various tourist hotels, mostly those owned by foreign investors inside wildlife parks.[320]
North Africa
[Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco]
The Berbers are the original indigenous of N. Africa. Conquere by the later arrived Arabs.[321] They suffer great discrimination.[322] "Berbers denounced apartheid" against them in Morocco.[323][324] and in wider North Africa.[325] The 'Amazigh Voice' louds "the cultural apartheid enforced by the North African states on the Amazigh people."[326] Amazigh activists published a (partial) "list of victims of the Moroccan style apartheid."[327] AmazighWorld states the discrimination and violation of human rights in Morocco, "that the Moroccan State practice a policy of apartheid" in blocking and suppressing Amazigh's voices and culture.[328]
An African writes about Arab racism:
Though the population of most North African countries is mixed, it's no secret that in these countries there is a gradation of human valuation that corresponds directly to skin color, with the most privileged status being accorded those perceived rightly or wrongly as being of "pure" Arab stock while those with the darkest skin and curliest hair are located on the lowest rung of the social hierarchy. Arab racism is deeply embedded in the history of North Africa itself and in the Arabic language. The Arab conquest of North Africa and the subsequent conversion and marginalization of the original Berbers and Moors of North Africa and parts of the Sahel were undergirded by a racist ethos. Till this day, the descendants of the dark-skinned Moors, the Berbers, and other non-Arab peoples are confined to the fringes of North African and North-west African society--in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, etc.[329]

ISLAMIC APARTHEID: Iran, S. Arabia, Islamic-Palestine, Turkey, Pakistan, etc.

Attention has been brought to Islamic Apartheid against non-Muslims, suffering wide systematic discrimination and subjugation to an inferior status.[330][331][332] The subjugation of non-Muslims to religious apartheid and second class citizenship in their own country.[333]
Writing on "Islam's Apartheid," A. Imani: "Islamic societies shamelessly practice all the sanctioned injustices listed in the U.N. charter on apartheid."[334]

Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights' Dr. Keith Roderick's letter/Petition to the United Nations Against [Islamic] Religious Apartheid:
The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights is an umbrella coalition representing various organizations from the following communities: Arab-Christian, Armenian, Assyrian, Bahai, Buddhist, Copt, Hindu, Humanist Muslim, Ibo, Maronite, Nubian, secular intellectuals, Southern Filipino, Slavic-Christian, Southern Sudanese, Syriac, West African, and women's groups.
We gather to demonstrate our determination to protest the treatment of religious and ethnic minorities, as well as women and moderate and secularized Muslims in Islamic lands. We are here also to cry out against the murderous ideology of radical Islamism, which, by dividing humankind into worthy Muslims and inferior "infidels" is wreaking havoc throughout the world.
In the face of growing attacks and oppression of religious and ethnic minorities in Islamic lands, we respectfully make the following two demands upon the appropriate organs of the United Nations:
1. We call upon you today to appoint a Special Rapporteur to investigate the status and conditions of non-Muslim minorities, women, and humanist, moderate Muslims in states ruled by Islamic majorities. Such a rappoteur must investigate the following conditions.
Equality Under Law: What is the status, both in law and in practice, of these groups, and of individuals belonging to these groups? Do the laws in these nations discriminate against religious minorities? Do members of these groups have the same rights to assemble, speak, publish, and associate as those in the majority? Can members of these classes be elected to governmental and representative bodies? Is there a government policy of discriminating against the hiring of members of these classes? Does the government allow or encourage radical anti-minority organizations to abuse, threaten or otherwise oppress minority populations? Do the agencies that enforce the laws represent all groups in society?
Religious rights and freedom: Do members of minority faiths have the right to practice their faiths freely? Do they have the right to proselytize? Do members of the majority faith have the right to choose another faith?
Cultural equality: Are the rights and cultures of national, religious, and ethnic minorities respected?
Teaching of hatred and contempt: What is the view of these classes promoted by the government and the general culture?
2. We call upon the United Nations to condemn the ideology of Jihad-Islamism as a form of religious apartheid, which divides humankind into exalted Muslims and inferior "infidels."
Radical Jihad-Islamism is a supremacist, quasi-racist ideology that is now waging terrorist war worldwide against innocent men, women and children it labels "infidels." This ideology is supporting religious wars against non-Islamist Muslims and non-Muslim infidels worldwide. It is seeking to establish Apartheid-like regimes similar to those in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, to subjugate and control "infidels." It legitimizes and extends human rights abuses - including slavery - on a massive scale. It employs a global economic resource (oil) as a weapon against non-Muslim nations in the service of its goals. It is the duty of the United Nations, which came into being as a result of racist Nazism, to condemn and to combat any ideology which defines some part of the human race as inferior.
Radical Jihad-Islamism must be condemned as a form of cultural, racial, religious and ethnic discrimination, and the United Nations should equate it with Colonialism and Imperialism. It should condemn its teaching to any community or school and it should call for a "corrective teaching" to seek to undo the hatred that it has engendered in peoples who have been taught the ideology. Further, the U.N. should condemn all current Jihad wars and call on nations waging such wars to cease violating the rights of ethnic and religious minorities and peoples. Finally, the U.N. should intervene to protect the rights and lives of religious and ethnic minorities and non-Islamist Muslims in Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia Sudan, and Syria....[335]
J. T. Kuhner puts it "Shariah law - the legal basis of most Islamic states - is a form of religious apartheid, systematically classifying Christians and Jews as third-class citizens. Christophobia and anti-Semitism are rampant in the Muslim world." [336]
P. Chesler testifies: As you know, I was once held captive in Afghanistan as the young bride of a very westernized Afghan Muslim man who I met at college. I therefore learned not to romanticize Third World countries, nor to confuse their tyrannical leaders with liberators. I also learned that Islamic religious and gender apartheid and jihad are indigenous to Muslim lands and not due to any European or American crimes.[337] 
In an Op-Ed: "Rebranding Apartheid," ariter R. Jager explains (2012): "Sharia law is the real apartheid. Let's tell the world the truth about Arab rights in Israel and Arab rights in Islamic countries."
The Arab Spring and the Islamic takeover of the Middle East provides Israel and her supporters the opportunity to rebrand the current media narrative concerning Apartheid. As usual, Israel's public diplomacy consistently misses the opportunity to expose the hypocrisy of our Arab neighbors. It is an outright lie to claim or to imply that Israel is an apartheid state, yet it is done all the time repeatedly by the Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas and other Arab leaders, and by his supporters in the United States and Europe.

This distortion of the truth has been extremely effective in the war of words and has fallen on receptive ears in the international arena, in the media & internet, and on college campuses.

As the Arab spring becomes an Islamic tsunami wiping out any semblance of democratic or human rights for the Arab masses, as the leader of Syria, Bashir Assad butchers over 6000 of his own countrymen, now is the time to rebrand the meaning of Apartheid. Now is the time to remind the world that Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East and that the Arabs living in Israel including Judea and Samaria enjoy more Democratic rights than any Arab living in any Middle Eastern Islamic nation.

According to the 1998 Rome Statute, Apartheid is defined as “Inhumane acts ... committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Islamic Sharia law is the prevalent system of law today among the Islamic nations embodying racism by adopting laws of institutionalized discrimination and "legal" racism against anyone who is not a Muslim. This is the authentic narrative of Apartheid today imploring us to rebrand Apartheid. Associating Israel with Apartheid seems more absurd than ever when compared to the violation of human rights in Islamic ruled nations.

Factually speaking, apartheid was the official policy of the South African government that established and maintained racial segregation and racial discrimination against non-whites, and abolished in 1992. The South African non-whites could not vote, and they had to carry a "Pass Book," or they risked being jailed or deported. In addition, non-white South Africans were kept from a wide range of jobs.

They had no free elementary through high school education; mixed sexual relationships were restricted and segregated; hospital and ambulance services were segregated; they could not use most public amenities; sports were segregated; and public facilities were labeled for correct racial usage. Non-whites could not enter a building through the main entrance, be a member of a union, or participate in a strike.

By contrast, all citizens of Israel have equal voting rights. Arabs have eleven representatives in Israel's Knesset, including an Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court and a full range of other civil and political rights. Arabs in Israel receive equal access and are subject to equal treatment in hospitals. There are no "anti-miscegenation" laws, or other policies of racial segregation.

As we begin the arduous journey of rebranding Apartheid, let's begin by pointing out the similarities between Sharia Law and Islamic gender apartheid.

What is amazing is that whether in isolated enclaves in the heart of European cities or the major cities of Canada, or in the Islamic nations of the Middle East, gender Apartheid is an accepted norm in Islamic societies. Forced marriages for 13 year old girls, honor killings, domestic slavery, rape and torture of women until they convert to Islam, stoning women accused of adultery to death, and female genital mutilation are all only a few of the many examples that are condoned by Islamic gender apartheid.

Speaking out against these kinds of Islamic norms as in the case of the Dutch director Theo Van Gogh who was murdered on the streets of Amsterdam by an Islamic terrorist for exposing the abuse of women, all in the name of Islam is what awaits many that publicly expose Islamic Apartheid.

The following are some common laws of Islamic Sharia law which are regularly practiced and can be easily associated with Apartheid;

- A Muslim who leaves Islam (apostate) must be killed immediately

- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : a) an apostasy b) an adultere

- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim

- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, for sins like killing, adultery, prostitutions; and other Quranic corporal punishments like: amputation of limbs (chopping hands and feet), floggings, beatings and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for the sins like: stealing, sexual promiscuity, robbery, burglary etc.

- Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia

- Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: “I divorce you”

- Homosexuality is punishable by death

- The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man; that is, two women equal to one man

- A woman loses custody of her children if she remarries

Falsly branding Israel as an Apartheid state means something more fundamental: that there is no justification for there being a Jewish state at all, based on hatred and contempt for Jews.

By rebranding Apartheid and associating it with the absense of basic human rights and freedom in the Islamic nations of the Middle East, we can transform the accepted narrative to its rightful place.[338]
From the 'New Republic' (2011) Wierdly, the progressives talk all the time about class, apartheid (in Israel where it doesn't exist) but somehow doesn't see us women as a class and is loathe to speak out about the mistreatment of half the people on the planet.[339]
In Arab-Islamic Africa, is noted for example the racial, and Islamic apartheid in Sudan.[340] Especially in the Middle East, the Islamic system operates a system of racial and religious apartheid,[341]
The most primitive apartheid against non-Muslims is still openly practiced in some Arab countries.[342]
A critic points out to the fact that Middle Easterners including the Palestinian "Muslim Apartheid Targets Christians as well as Jews."[343]

Saudi Arabia's Apartheid is one of the most noted, with its anti non-Muslim policies, or "Religious Apartheid" [344] [345][346][347] often described as a "glaring example of religious apartheid,"[348]for "the Kingdom's embedded rules of religious apartheid," its "systematic discrimination against Christians and Jews, treated either as second-class aliens with no right to worship or banned from stepping foot on Saudi soil altogether,[349] as well as practicing gender apartheid.[350]
Colbert I. King wrote in the WashingtonPost (Dec. 22, 2001) "Saudi Arabia's Apartheid"
...He said he and his wife were amused to read early press reports from Afghanistan about the oppression of women and religious minorities. 'Virtually everything described there was taking place in Saudi Arabia, with the exception that at least the Taliban permitted other religions to exist in their country. This is absolutely forbidden in Saudi Arabia.' .... One of the (still) untold stories, however, is the cooperation of U.S. and other Western companies in enforcing sexual apartheid in Saudi Arabia. McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and other U.S. firms, for instance, maintain strictly segregated eating zones in their restaurants. The men's sections are typically lavish, comfortable and up to Western standards, whereas the women's or families' sections are often run-down, neglected...[351]
S. A. religious apartheid expands even within its own faith. "Only the practice of the Sunni form of Islam is permitted. No public expression of Christianity is allowed."[352]
Washington-based Saudi Institute director, Ali Al- Ahmed, testified before the United States Congress (on October 6, 2004) at an International Relations hearing on religious freedom.
Mr. Ahmed explained that S. Arabia
does not allow religious freedom to its Muslim citizens, even to those who are Wahhabi. It practices a rigid form of control on the interpretation of Islam in every sphere of life... Saudi Arabia is a glaring example of religious apartheid. The religious institutions, judges, religious curriculums, and all religious instructions in the media must conform to the Wahhabi understanding of Islam, adhered to by less than 40% of the population. ... Religious the order of the day in Saudi Arabia. Christian and Jewish symbols are banned from public display.[353]
See: #Egypt for its anti-Copt apartheid [Copts are both, an ethnic and a religious minority].
Jordan's Christian minority is subject to a system of religious discrimination imposed by Islamic courts that oppress this small and shrinking religious minority."[354]
See: #Jordan for its 'official' anti-Jewish apartheid.

An election law desinged to be against Christians' votes, instituted in the 1990s,' have promped accusation of Lebanon's anti-Christian apartheid:
The law also stipulated that every Lebanese citizen had to vote in the place where he lived before the civil war started in 1975. Yet approximately 80 percent of the more than 600,000 persons displaced by the war are Christians, according to the Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights in Lebanon. This put thousands of Christians at a serious disadvantage. [...]
According to former army commander Michel Aoun, in exile in France, "The new law establishes the political persecution of Christians and constitutes a law of apartheid."[355]
It has been noted that "the Palestinian leadership practices both Islamic gender and religious apartheid as well as terrorism."[356]
The Palestinian Authority has long been discriminating against Christians, their human rights abused,[357][358] including land theft.[359] There's a routine of Palestinian denial of religious freedom. "Religious persecution and discrimination of non-Moslems is common."[360] Especially since the time the PA has assumed control over Christian areas in the West Bank, the basic human rights of Christians in these areas have been made increasingly vulnerable,[361] and the case of Beleaguered Christians of the Palestinian-Controlled Areas,[362] has worsened since Y. Arafat's Islamization of Bethlehem.[363]
Arab Christians under Palestinian Authority, live in 'daily fear' and fear of retribution prevents speaking out.[364] However, some Bethlehem Christians break silence on Muslim oppression... After many years... the truth has been revealed. Christians are fleeing every Muslim-majority territory because of the apartheid discrimination encouraged by Muslim sharia law. Land theft works because the testimony of non-Muslims is weighed less in every sharia court in the world.[365] Some call Christians "Endangered Species" in the West Bank and Gaza, following reports on the "human rights of Christians in Palestinian society."[366]
The Palestinian Authority treatment of Christians has been categorized as apartheid.[367]
There's wide gender apartheid in Arab-Palestine,[368] women are under constant violent attacks, linked to discriminatory laws and traditional practices.[369]
The Islamist Hamas de-facto regime in Gaza has been categorized as real apartheid, which "discriminates openly against women, gays, Christians. It permits no dissent, no free speech, and no freedom of religion."[370]
From "Public Diplomacy in the Fight against Radical Islam - Jerusalem Summit"
In addition to... rampant gender apartheid that prevails throughout most Muslim society, there is an additional variant of pernicious and pervasive persecution - on the basis of faith and creed. This discrimination against nearly all non-Muslim faiths is nothing less than what can - and must - be termed creed apartheid.
Pointing to the fact that while The fate of Christians under Palestinian administration has declined, Israel's Arab Christian population grew.
Indeed, under the Palestinian regime, Christians also have to face policies of discrimination and intimidation, which are reducing the Christian population at an alarming rate and obliterating signs and symbols of Judeo-Christian heritage in the Holy Land . Documented research on the persecution of Christians by the Palestinian Authority includes social and economic discrimination; boycott and extortion of Christian businesses; violations of real property rights; crimes against Christian women; incitement by Palestinian Authority against Christians; and failure of the Palestinian security forces to protect Christians. [371]
PA's 'Ahmadi' moderate Muslims, face threats, constant intimidation Their plight's entails also how Palestinian court forcibly divorces 'apostates.' The PA clerics' decision to label them apostates puts them in danger. As the penalty for apostasy in Islam is death. Hence, they're "encouraging the cold-blooded murder of Ahmadis."[372]
"Ahmadi believers living in PA-controlled areas have been beaten and have had their property destroyed... the apostate label means they can be stripped of their rights in court." An example was given of an Ahmadi Muslim from Shechem who was ordered to divorce his wife and give up his property.[373][374] A victim said: "It's like we are still living in the Middle Ages," that they "are deciding whether you are a believer or not. Whether you'll go to heaven or hell - and whether you are an apostate."
Followers of the Islamic Ahmadi Community are shunned by many mainstream Muslims because they recognize a 19th-century cleric as their prophet. A central tenet of Islam is that the Muhammad was the last prophet sent by Allah. Case in point: "The Palestinian court forcibly divorced a Ahmadi couple by "canceling their marriage registration, because they were no longer considered Muslims... That means that the couple have no chance of ever legalizing their marriage in the West Bank."[375][376]
The Ahmadis who are so badly persecuted in pakistan and in Arab-Palestine, enjoy [only] Israel's free and equal society. A Haifa prof. testifies: "The relations between the Haifa Ahmadis and Jews (and Christians and Moslems and Druse and Bahais) is warm and cordial." Futhermore: "Because of the cordial relations between Jews and Ahmadis in Israel, numerous Islamofascist web sites denounce the Ahmadis as Zionist agents."[377]

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, religious minorities: Christians,[378][379] Jewish, and Zoroastrian, in reality of life, are described by a Christian human-rights group as nothing short of "religious apartheid." This apartheid manifests itself in blatant inequities.[380] 
In 2011, as Iranian Christian pastor, Yousef Nadarkhani's life was in jeopardy‎, facing imminent execution, advocate J. Sekulow explained:
one Iranian pastor described the situation as an unwritten “Apartheid” system like that which once governed a South Africa segregated along racial lines.
Even an explicit "Apartheid" system would be preferable for providing regularity, that pastor said. But at present, Iranian Christians "don't know when they are going to start these waves of arrests."[381]
Iran's "Constitution makes it clear . . . that Christians have the right to accept their faith," but Christian face "a religious apartheid because the tendency is not to respect the rights of minorities, minorities are not considered citizens, it is worse than apartheid because in apartheid it was written that we have apartheid, but in Iran it is not written . . . but legally we are in apartheid." [382]

As testified in the U.S. Congress (2004):
In Iran, those who believe in the Baha'i faith are forcibly repressed by the Iranian Government. They are denied the right to assemble and elect their religious officials, their property is confiscated and they are denied basic civil and legal rights. More than 200 Baha'is have been killed in Iran since 1989. Christians and Jews likewise face persecution in Iran, including discrimination, imprisonment, and death. One Christian human rights groups describes the treatment of Christians and Jews as "Religious apartheid."[383]
It has a record of suppressing human rights and persecution of religious minorities.[384] The Bahai have also been subject to religious persecution.[385][386] It's armed wing in Lebanon, the Hezbollah used Christians as human shields.[387]

Even in "moderate" Turkey non Muslims are listed as Foreigners[388] Non-Muslims remain second-class.[389]

Yemen's northern rebels al-Houthi, invoked jihad against Christians and Jews (in 2010),[390] and were involved in hijacking Christian girls.[391] They appear to be influenced by Iran.[392] Houthi's Followers' are charged with "cruel apartheid against Yemeni Jews in Sa'ada," senseless harassment and persecution.[393] As a whole, Husayn al-Huthi's lectures mercilessly denigrate Jewish, Christian, and Zionist "conspiracies."</i>[394] In 2011, the UN berated "Yemeni rebels for recruiting child soldiers."[395]

Asian Islamic Apartheid:
Entails religious discrimination and racist policies, actions.
Indonesia has a long bloody history of persecution of Christians, and ethnic cleansing the Chinese.[396]
Activists for minorities' human rights speak out on the plight of Chinese today. The SBKRI (Surat Bukti Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia) or the Proof of Indonesian Citizenship is a form of apartheid ( segregation) or state racial discrimination.[397] Author writes about "Social apartheid In Indonesia," social control and efforts to intervene in civil society can be detected in the operation of surveillance systems, such as the obligation to have an identity card (KTP). A KTP requires a birth certificate.[398]
Its apartheid and horrific ethnic cleansing [punishable by death] of the West Papuans were revealed. "It was like apartheid. Indonesia's transmigration policy has resulted in thousands of Indonesians being shipped over to West Papua," says documentary.[399]
The "Social Science Research Network," via Indonesian Institute of Sciences, published (in 2006): "Beyond a Formal Legal Property System: Property Rights on Land, Land Apartheid and Development in Indonesia."
It brings the attention to the facts such as:
The main causes of rural poverty, include: no access to land, due to land apartheid or State's excessive control over land; they have no other skill except to farm, which is unattainable since they have no land; and they definitely have no capital. Take Indonesia as an example. Research has shown that more than 75% of the poor in Indonesia are living in the rural areas, and more than 60% of the Indonesian poor work in the rural agricultural sector...
Land Apartheid in Indonesia: Investment and Corruption
The New Order government of Indonesia under the former President Soeharto (1966-1998), was the longest ruling regime in Indonesian history. It imposed many influential policies. In general, the impact of the New Order economic development 20 has shifted the subsistent economy from an agricultural to a modern economy, characterized by the increase in trade, industry and services. Trade liberalization in the globalization era, in the 1980s and 1990s, has resulted in individuals or groups of people having dominant roles in the Indonesian economy, nationally or locally. As a consequence, land distribution has never been equal.[400]
Malaysia is described as among 'deeply divided societies,' for its sharp racial/ethnic preference. [401][402] One of Indonesia's leading economists put it 50 years of ethnic apartheid.[403]
Some spoke out (April 2011) against resurging racial supremacy, 'Knocking Malaysia Back To Days Of Apartheid With "1Melayu 1Bumiputera"' On the fate of anyone who is not 'pure' ethnically Malaysian.[404]

Pakistan has been described: the land of religious apartheid and jackboot justice in a report to the UN committee against racial discrimination, by "Asian Centre for Human Rights" Noted is: "The practice and patterns of discrimination against "non-Muslims," as Pakistan is all about appeasing the majority Muslims at the costs of the religious minorities. The religious minorities like the Ahmadis, Christians and Hindus.[405]
UN body accused Pakistani govt of 'religious apartheid.[406]
Author S. Malik
Pakistan has laws, supported by its Constitution and endorsed by its courts that forbid non-Muslim citizens from seeking nation's top jobs, such as, president, prime minister, head of the Senate, army chief, etc. Pakistan's non-Muslim citizens are not listed along with Muslim names, lest the Muslim names get denigrated. They cannot vote for a candidate from their own constituency. They must vote only for non-Muslim candidates running against a few seats reserved in the legislature for the country's all non-Msulims...
It is a perverted system that has its genesis in bigotry and hatred of non- Muslims. It is apartheid, Pakistani style. [407]
Under "Apartheid in Pakistan," the WashingtonPost wrote about the official discrimnatory status and rights that exist in Pakistan: "The separate electorate system for Muslims and non-Muslims remained in place even after Pakistan returned to a democratic form of government." And even about Shia VS Ahmadi: "the systematic persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan... religio-political apartheid directed at Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan." The official discrimnatory status and rights that exist in Pakistan.[408]
In 2010, Agenzia Fides reported that Christians are being "treated like Animals in Pakistan," the persecution of Christians is worsening along with the growing Islamization of Pakistan. The representative of the Pakistani Bishops' Conference called on the United States to raise the issue of human rights violations against Christians "In Pakistan, Christians suffer and see their lives in danger every day. In some areas, believers are treated like animals, in slavery or subjected to harassment, violence, and forced conversions," he said.[409]

Regarding Islamic Gender Apartheid, in the words of a writer/activist: Islam has been the largest practitioner of both religious and gender "apartheid" known to humankind.[410] Across the Arab world, Arab women are victims of Islamic gender apartheid.[411][412] Among those that stand out are: Iran,[413] and Saudi Arabia, the tyrannical kingdom practices gender apartheid to an extreme, in contrast with Israel which is so well equal and mixed.[414]


Exposing the 'real Apartheid,' a writer wrote in: "The Real Apartheid State"
The "Palestine" envisaged by the UN is an apartheid state in the making. Israel Apartheid Week is the time to publicize that fact.
During Israel Apartheid Week, orchestrated on campuses around the globe, the time has come to go on the attack, and to put the shoe on the other foot.
In 1948, Apartheid laws institutionalized racial discrimination in South Africa & denied human rights to 25 million The time has come to go on the attack, and to put the shoe on the other foot. Black citizens of South Africa.
In 1948, the Arab League of Nations applied the Apartheid model to Palestine, and declared that Jews must be denied rights as citizens of Israel, while declaring a total state of war to eradicate the new Jewish entity, a war that continues today.
In 1948, at the directive of the Arab League of Nations, Jordan devastated the vestiges of Jewish life from Judea and Samaria, and burned all schules in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.
In 1948, member states of the Arab League of Nations began to strip the human rights of Jews and to expel entire Jewish communities who had resided in their midst for centuries
In the mid 1960's, The Arab League of Nations spawned the PLO to organize local residents to continue the war to deny Jewish rights the right to live as free citizens in the land of Israel - well before Israel took over Judea, Samaria, and the Old City of Jerusalem in the defensive war waged by Israel in 1967.
And since its inception in 1994, the newly constituted Palestinian Authority, created by the PLO, has prepared the rudiments of a Palestinian State, modeled on the rules of Apartheid and institutionalized discrimination:
1. The right of Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendents to return to Arab villages lost in 1948 will be protected by the new Palestinian state.
2. While 20% of Israel's citizens are Arabs, not one Jew will be allowed to live in a Palestinian State
3. Anyone who sells land to a Jew will be liable to the death penalty in the Palestinian State
4. Those who murder Jews are honored on all official Palestinian media outlets.
5. Palestinian Authority maps prepared for the Palestinian State depict all of Palestine under Palestinian rule
6. PA maps of Jerusalem for the Palestinian State once again delete the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem
7. Recent PA documents claim all of Jerusalem for the future Palestinian State.
8. The right of Jewish access to Jewish holy places is to be denied in the new Palestinian State.
9. The Draft Palestinian State Constitution denies juridical status to any religion except for Islam.
10. No system which protects human rights or civil liberties will exist in a Palestinian State
If that is not a formula for a totalitarian apartheid state of Palestine, then what is? [415] [416]
The AJC asks:
which state-Israel or the proposed Palestinian state-more resembles the bone- chilling bigotry of apartheid? While (as Israeli human rights organizations have documented and the Israeli Supreme Court has addressed) there are indeed instances of discrimination against Arabs in Israeli society, Arabs are citizens of Israel with the right to vote and participate in its democracy, and are even elected to the Knesset (Israel's parliament). Israel is one of the few countries in the world where Arabs are allowed to vote, and one of the fewer still where Arab women have this right. Where is the Palestinian willingness to extend similar political rights and protections to Jews who live in settlements that will one day be part of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza (in areas such as Hebron and Shechem [Nablus] where Jews have lived throughout history until they were forced out-many in 1948-only to return after 1967)?[417]
From 'Americans for Democracy in the Middle-East':
The nineteen years of Arab rule of East Jerusalem [1948-1967] and the attendant desecration of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries as well as the inaccessibility of Jewish holy sites during that period has taught Israelis to seriously distrust promises on that score. Mahmoud Abbas' recent statement that no Israelis would be permitted to stay on Palestinian land proves that not much has changed in the Palestinian view of the relationship. It's Palestine that would be a racist, apartheid state, not Israel which has a 20% Arab citizenship and Arab Members of the Knesset, as well as Arab members of the cabinet.[418]
In 2004, as Arab Palestinians pushed the international community to force Israel to evacuate Jews, a writer asked "Creating a Palestinian Apartheid State?" clarifying: "Why does the Palestinian "Peace Plan" call for the expulsion of so many Jews from their homes?"[419] Stan Goodenough (2004): "the establishment of racist, anti-Jewish areas" intended to "be the judenrein State of Palestine."[420]
Under title "Judenrein palestine," R. Neuwirth wrote:
The Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, are a litmus test of Arab intentions. Why can't Jews live in their historic homeland if there really is peace? After all, there are 1.2 million Arabs living as citizens of Israel in the one Jewish country in the world, while there are only a handful of Jews living in any of the 22 Arab countries. In fact, in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, not only is it illegal for Jews to be citizens, they are not even allowed to live there. Therefore, instead of Israel being the "apartheid state" in the region, it is the Arab world that is not only apartheid, but also racist and religiously exclusive.[421]
C. Morse wrote about the plan "supporting the racist and apartheid idea of expelling 200000 Jews from the disputed territories leaving the area Judenrein."[422]
In Y.Z. Bloom's words: "Anyone who asserts that it is illegal for a Jew to live in Judea and Samaria just because he is a Jew, is no better than an advocate of apartheid." (referring to such policies like the Jordanians', Arab-Palestinians', etc.)[423]
Writing in YNet, Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi "Endorsing Palestinian apartheid" asked: "Why does world accept notion of Palestinian state free of Jews?" and decries on "accepting the morality of establishing an apartheid, racist, Palestinian state which openly and proudly states its intention of being Judenrein."[424]
A native of S. Africa defines the Arab-Palestinian regime, "racist, apartheid, Judenrein policy of the PA."[425]
Author David Solway:
We must also bear in mind that Palestinians living in Israel will naturally keep their Israeli citizenship, but the new Palestine would be effectively judenrein, or Jew-free (another reason why Palestine would not be a genuine democracy but a racist and apartheid state)...[426]
The Palestinian Authority's prohibition to sell land to non-Muslims[427] created an uproar, and charging of Apartheid practiced by Arab Palestinian leadership/regime[428][429][430][431] came about with surfacing -again- of Arab-Palestinian "Death penalty for those who sell land to Jews."[432] It was branded racist and resembling real apartheid.[433]
In 1996, the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mufti, Ikremah Sabri, issued a fatwa (religious decree), banning the sale of Arab and Muslim property to Jews. Anyone who violated the order was to be killed. Since then, there have been multiple murders and torture the Mufti also forbade Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery.[434][435] Palestinian Authority's mufti in Jerusalem, Ikremah Sabri, has barred all Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery.[436] In 2004, Palestinian who allegedly sold land to Jews killed, as PA Mufti of Jerusalem issued a 'fatwa' (religious decree) several years earlier prohibiting Palestinians from selling land to Jews.[437] In 2006 there was a publicized case where a Fatah gunman murdered a Jericho man over home sale.[438]
From JPost's C. Glick (2006):
Since 1994, dozens of Arab Israelis and PA residents have been murdered on suspicion of selling land to Jews. Abu al-Hawa's murder - like those that preceded it - tells us several important things about Palestinian society. It tells us that like the PA today, any successor Palestinian state will be a racist, apartheid state where laws will be promulgated based solely on race and religious origin. Jews will be denied all basic human rights and Arabs who peacefully coexist with Jews will be accused of treason and made targets for murder.[439][440]
In 2009, Palestinian Authority military court sentenced a Hevron Arab to death by hanging for the "crime" of selling land to Jews in Judea and Samaria.[441] As critics phrased it: "US-Funded Racist Apartheid Government Will Execute Man Who Sold Land To Enemy Religion."[442] In 2010, PA affirmed death penalty for land sales to Jews.[443]
In an article titled: "A Wrong Turn in East Jerusalem," Charles Bybelezer wrote (July, 2011) of real life cases, what happens to a Jew that accidently gets into the Arab "Palestinian" area of East Jerusalem, the raw danger of lynching is imminent. That is Jerusalem we are talking about, the historic capital of Jews:
Prior to 1967, the year Israel liberated Jerusalem from Jordanian apartheid-rule, Jews were not permitted to enter into their illegally occupied biblical capital. Jordan's "No Jews Allowed" policy meant that no Jew had prayed at Judaism's holiest site, the Western Wall - the last standing remnant of King Solomon's temple - during the previous twenty years.
Today, in East Jerusalem, controlled by Arab Palestinians and determined to be, according to Western powers, the capital of "Palestine," the situation is worse. Under Jordanian authority, Jews were banned from Jerusalem; under Palestinian rule, Jews are welcome, so that they may be summarily executed upon arrival.
And tells the shocking story of a young man that went astray, when his faulty GPS by-mistake navigated him into the Arab area, how his life was immediately threatened. As he was attacked by dozens of 'ordinary' Arabs throwing rocks and cement blocks into his car, he was rescued by a Mr. Darwish (who rushed him out of the Arab village -altogether- fearing his family's safety from the attackers), a civil servant, who, as a result, paid dearly for his political career and labeled a "traitor," for rescuing the innocent Jew[444]
At the horrindes demand by Arab-Palestinian leaders to drive out all Jews from land it sees as part of a future state, Ynet decried "PA's fallacious premises": If Israel – which permits its Arab citizens (citizens!) to elect representatives to the Knesset and provides them with full health care and other rights – is "racist" for insisting that the nation must be recognized as having a Jewish character, what, precisely does this make the PA – which seeks to totally drive out every Jew from the land it envisions to be part of a future state? How long will this intolerable inequity of demands fail to be noted by those who are promoting that "two-state solution"?[445] Another writer decried: "Beware Palestinian apartheid," as the Arab-Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews.[446]
A writer laments (2011) that: "the price of creating a Muslim Palestinian state is the expulsion - the ethnic cleansing - of all Jews from its proposed territory. In other words, it is even worse for the Jews as a new Arab state called Palestine will be judenrein - the forcible removal of Jewish villages and their inhabitants. And this unthinkable outrage of ethnic cleansing, racism and Arab apartheid will be sanctioned by President Obama and the immoral United Nations under cover of the misnamed peace process."[447]
R. Daniel M. Zucker wrote about free Israel VS apartheid Palestine in an article (July 5, 2011) titled "Palestine vs. Israel: Pinning the 'Apartheid' Label on the Right Donkey"
In recent years, Palestinian propagandists and their international supporters have attempted to brand Israel with the label of "apartheid," the despicable South African policy of racial discrimination that reduced the African non-white population to a decidedly inferior position akin to chattel. In many international circles, this political charlatanism has succeeded in giving the Middle East's one and only democracy a black eye. However, the reality is quite the opposite of what the Palestinians peddle to a very gullible world.
In Israel, contrary to the Palestinians' fictional portrait of the Jewish state, not only are Arabs citizens with equal rights and protections under the law, but Arabic is an official second language. And many Arabs serve in a variety of positions in the government, including Deputy Speaker of the Knesset (Parliament) Majalli Wahabi of the Kadimah Party, as well as officers in the armed forces like Lieutenant Hesham Aborea and police such as Deputy Inspector-General Jamal Hakroush, deputy commander of the traffic division. Arabs are free to live anywhere in Israel, although most choose to live within their own ethnic, cultural, and religious communities. Arab students are welcome in the nation's universities and colleges and serve as professionals in all areas of the national life.
By contrast, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has stated that no Jews will be permitted to live in a Palestinian state. The Palestinian Christian Arab community has shrunk drastically in the last eighteen years since the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority took over in the West Bank -- to the point where today, Beit Jalla, once a Christian town outside Jerusalem, is without a Christian population, and Bethlehem, once the most Christian of cities in the Holy Land, is now peopled with a Muslim majority. So, too, do Palestinian Christians face a determined campaign of forced conversion to Islam by the Hamas government of Gaza, which permits only one Jew to reside in Gaza: the five-year captive kidnapped Israeli soldier Corporal Gilad Shalit.
So if the term "apartheid" still refers to unequal treatment under the law, forced segregation, or outright exclusion on religious, racial, or ethnic grounds, then it's the Palestinian donkey that should be pinned with the "apartheid" label. Palestine -- where the president and the prime minister hold their offices without benefit of popular national elections, where non-Arabs are prohibited from owning land, and where the sale of land to a Jew is a capital crime.
Of course, the Palestinian BDS movement doesn't want the world to pay attention to any of these facts, and its international supporters will conveniently ignore the evidence, but anyone with a modicum of intelligence and a reasonably open mind will want to seek a Palestinian response to my charges.
And concludes with a call to the leadership of 'Palestinian apartheid': Nabil Sha'ath and Saeb Erekat: the world is awaiting your response, lo sema-hát (if you please), Inshallah.[448]</blockquote>
V. Sharpe calls the attention to: What is also overlooked is that Hamas and Fatah demand that all Jews be ethnically cleansed from, and driven out of, their Jewish towns and villages within Judea and Samaria. In other words, Apartheid: Arab style.[449]
Israel's Prime Minister B. Netanyahu in his address to the United Nations (on Sep. 23, 2011)
The Jewish state of Israel will always protect the rights of all its minorities, including the more than 1 million Arab citizens of Israel. I wish I could say the same thing about a future Palestinian state, for as Palestinian officials made clear the other day — in fact, I think they made it right here in New York - they said the Palestinian state won't allow any Jews in it. They'll be Jew-free - Judenrein. That's ethnic cleansing. There are laws today in Ramallah that make the selling of land to Jews punishable by death. That's racism. And you know which laws this evokes.[450]
Another wave of outrage at "Palestinian" official apartheid and judenrein (ethnic cleansing) nature, came about in Sep. 2011, when Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) ambassador to the U.S., Maen Areikat openly declared that a "Palestine" State should be free of Jews. Elliott Abrams, a former US National Security Council official, said in response that according to such plans, Palestine will be the first to officially prohibit Jews or any other faith since Nazi Germany, which sought a country that was judenrein, or cleansed of Jews. Justfiably, Israel's minsiter Y. Edelstein said: "After an unending de-legitimization campaign and attempts to brand Israel an apartheid state, it appears it is the Palestinians who seek apartheid."[451] The shocking surprising part was also, that he didn't even realize the [real Apartheid] gravity[452] of his (statement and) stand. Israeli foreign minsiter called for embassies to protest PA Apartheid State[453]. (The notorious anti-Israel "Israeli" paper Haaretz sanitized Areikat's No Jews Remark.[454]) Areikat's declaration means of course: It would not just an "apartheid" state - it would be a state whose very basis would be the ethnic cleansing of every single Jewish man, woman and child...[455]
Hence, appropriately called a "racist Palestine state."[456][457][458]
Arab Islamic apartheid against Christians Vs the only free State -in the region- Israel
Israel is the only Middle Eastern country where the Christian population is thriving instead of disappearing. Between 1948 and 1998, Israel's Christians grew fourfold, from 34,000 
to 130,000.[459]
Eli E. Hertz: "Only in Israel Does Freedom of Religion Flourish." He quotes: "Moslems have enjoyed, under Israeli control, the very freedom which Jews were denied during Jordanian occupation." Judge, Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, 1968, He elaborates: "In Israel, both Jews and non-Jews are free to practice their faiths freely and openly on individual and institutional levels. That contrasts sharply with neighboring Arab states, where intolerance is the norm and the number of non-Muslims is constantly shrinking. The Palestinian Authority's conduct - including the destruction of Jewish sites and violations of the holiness and neutrality of Christian ones - raises serious doubts as to whether the PA can be a trusted custodian of sacred sites in the Holy Land - Jewish or Christian."[460]
Philadelphia Daily News' C. M. Flowers wrote (at the heels of the so-called "Arab spring," Sep. 2011): "The very real persecution of Christians in the Arab world"
If the "Arab Spring" bathed the Middle East in some much-needed sunlight, there's at least one group that sees ominous clouds on the not-so-distant horizon. That would be the region's embattled and apprehensive Christians, who've lived a kind of double life for many decades.

While nominally citizens of the countries they inhabit, most non-Muslims, the majority of whom are Christian, are treated as second-class members of society because so many governments in that part of the world adhere to sharia, and anyone familiar with the Islamic legal system knows that it codifies discrimination.

For example, while Christians are free (and in some cases pressured) to convert to Islam, Muslims are barred from converting to Christianity. In a notorious case now in the headlines, Yusuf Naderkhani, a Christian pastor, has been sentenced to death in Iran for refusing to renounce his faith, to which he'd converted as a teen. Egyptian Christian who petitioned the government to allow his daughters to receive a Christian education was forced into hiding after receiving death threats when his request was made public.

So Christians in the Middle East can be forgiven if they don't embrace the Arab Spring with as much fervor as their Muslim brothers and sisters because - to put it bluntly - the devil they know is at least more predictable than the devil they don't - which is, without a doubt, Islamic fundamentalism.

And in many parts of the Middle East, that's the only form of Islam there is, despite what you hear from organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations.
She goes on in explaining how Christians are effected when Arab-Islamic countries under "secular" tyrants are toppled.
While Christians were as oppressed as the next citizen in countries when secular tyrants like Hosni Mubarak, Moammar Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein ruled the roost, at least they weren't prey to the sectarian hostility rampant in other places such as Iran and Afghanistan, hotbeds of jihadism.

It's true that Egyptian Christians were always treated poorly by the government, but so was the Islamic Brotherhood, which was crushed into submission by the iron will of Mubarak and his military junta. Christians were merely as persecuted - or as tolerated - as any other group that the government didn't like.

But now, as the tyrants topple like dominoes, Christians have good reason to worry that they will be unique and tragic victims of this Arab awakening.

To its great and unexpected credit, the New York Times actually publicized that fear this week in a front-page, above-the-fold article about Syrian Christians who are ambivalent about the campaign to overthrow Hafez al-Assad.

The reason for this ambivalence is simple: Like Mubarak and Hussein, Assad continues the proud tradition of secular despotism, persecuting those who wear the cross, the hijab and the kippah with equal fervor. Those who say religion is the root of all evil in an attempt to maintain the devout wall between church and state conveniently overlook secular societies such as Syria and Baathist Iraq that terrorized their citizens in a religious vacuum.

However, they would be right about one thing: Godless regimes generally treat all victims equally, whereas those founded on a specific creed play favorites. And while it's hard to find very many nations where Christianity is the official state religion, and fewer still where they persecute nonbelievers, there's really only one country in the Middle East that provides equal rights to all its citizens, of whatever creed: Israel.

In fact, if you speak to Israeli Arabs, they will tell you that, while they may disagree with government policy in Palestine, they're not afraid to bow toward Mecca in the streets of Jerusalem, or attend Christian services in Bethlehem. In short, they're not forced to live their faith in the shadows.

That's clearly not the case in much of the Arab world, and Syrian Christians know it. So do their Lebanese Maronite friends, who've spent the last decade watching with increasing anxiety as Hezbollah and its Islamist members have infiltrated Beirut, making it difficult even... be seen going into a Catholic church...[461]


As the Wall Street Journal points out (2009): "Europe Reimports Jew Hatred." Police arrests Muslims targeting Jews. That The Islamist variation of Jew hatred is now being reimported to Europe.[462] Even such liberal outlets as the BBC were forced to admit to the [new] anti-Semitism in Europe. Part of the problem is the Middle East situation, which is not as simple to understand as people like to think. For example, in Arabic you don't talk about Israelis you talk about "the Jew" or "Yahud".[463] That Anti-Semitism 'on rise in Europe' (2004), with increased anti-Jewish attacks.[464][465]
Those -unfortunately- supporting Arab-Islamic apartheid systems, racist pan-Arabism and intolerant pan-Islamism
Regarding the radical left -- its calling others "racists," while routinely, supporting: the tyranny and racist Apartheid Arab-Islamic ruling systems of the majority oppressing minorities; of race based pan-Arabism ["Palestinian" nationalism is also its product]; intolerant rejectionist pan-Islamism; the Turkish and Iranian oppression and discrimination; Sudan genocide; Arab-Muslim crime upon Jews, especially since the mass expulsion; the Arab Spring with its violent anti-Christian, and openly anti-Jewish -- D. Greenfield expanded (Oct. 2011) on its "worst crime in the Middle East is its craven love for tyranny, for grand empires built on race and religion." Detailing:
The Middle East's Arab-Muslim majority at the expense of its minorities. It has supported the majority's terrorism, atrocities, ethnic cleansing and repression of the region's minorities. Very rarely has it raised a voice in their support, and when it has done so, it was in muted tones completely different from their vigorous defenses of the nationalism of the Arab Muslim majority.

...obsessed with the Arab Spring, which rewards the ambitions of Arabist and Islamist activists at the expense of Coptic, African, and other minorities. It is dementedly fixated on statehood for the Arab Muslims of Israel, (better known by their local Palestinian brand), but has little to say about the Kurds in Turkey or the Azeri in Iran. The million Jewish refugees and the vanishing Christians of the region never come up in conversation. They certainly don't get their own protest rallies or flotillas.

The Africans of Sudan could have used a flotilla, or an entire UN organization dedicated to their welfare, which the Arab Muslims who had failed to wipe out the region's Jewish minority are the beneficiaries of. But they had to make do with third tier aid.

Unlike the Arab nationalists and Islamists of Libya, the French, English and American air force did not come to their rescue. It came to the rescue of the Libyans who showed their gratitude in the time honored way of the Arab majority by massacring the African minority. All under the beaming smiles of the selective humanitarians of the left. But what's a little genocide between friends?

...Pan-Arabism, a race based nationalism, in line with the Soviet Union's expansionist foreign policy. Pan-Arabism's socialism made it easy for the left to ignore its overt racism along with the admiration of many of its leading lights for Nazi Germany. The same left which refused to see the Gulags and the ethnic cleansing under the red flag, turned an equally blind eye to the contradiction of condemning Zionism for its ethnic basis, while supporting Pan-Arabism, which was ethnically based.

Under Zionism, Israel retained a sizable Arab minority. The Pan-Arabists, however, drove their Jews out with mob violence, political repression, prisons and public executions. The left's criticisms of Zionism are rendered moot by their own support for Pan-Arabism, and their own longstanding hostility to Jewish national identity, insisting that socialism demands that Jews assimilate into the dominant race, whether in Russia or Western Europe. In the Middle East and North Africa, Arabization has led to repression of non-Arab minorities and the destruction of other cultures through the insistence on unity through race.

As the sun of Pan-Arabism sets, the left has turned its attention to Pan-Islamism with equal enthusiasm. While Pan-Arabism allowed Christian Arabs some representation, Pan-Islamism excludes based on religion. Having endorsed a racial tyranny, the left has fallen so low that it now champions majority theocracies. for Kurdish nationalism has faded as Turkey has gone from a secular ally of the Western powers, to an Islamist tyranny dreaming of empire. This perverse twist of affairs has the left abandoning the national struggles of an oppressed people when their rulers align themselves more closely with the bigoted regional majority.

... in Egypt, where Mubarak's excessive tolerance for minorities, led the left to endorse the Pan-Arabist and Pan-Islamist calls for his overthrow. And in Tunisia, where a government tolerant of minorities has been replaced by the Islamists. of racial and theocratic rule ...policy which endorses racial and theocratic rule and works to bring it about is a true crime and blot on the region.

It is no coincidence that the one country in the region that the left hates above all else, is neither Arab nor Muslim. Just as it is no coincidence that the Arab Spring replaces regimes tolerant of minorities with Islamists and Arabists. The left's true regional agenda is the racist agenda of its Arab members. The Arab Socialists and the Islamists who have defined its regional positions have turned the left into a vehicle for their racial and theocratic agendas. ...which is racist. It is the left which backs theocracies and always supports the majority's oppression of the minority.... backs theocracies and always supports the majority's oppression of the minority.
The idiots in their Keffiyahs eager to give everyone a lesson on the Middle East think the Assyrians vanished in ancient times, have no idea who the Circassians are, or the Arab Gypsies, think the Zoroastrians are a traveling circus, and couldn't begin to tell you anything about the Druze, the Bahai or the Ahmadis except that American foreign policy or Israel are probably to blame...
Pan-Arabists and their rejection of Turkish reforms... repression of minorities and the ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide of the region's native inhabitants by their Arab Muslim conquerors. ...the nationalism of medieval conquerors and the resurgence of their colonial descendants. The only two nations with any historical roots in the region are Israel and Persia. In North Africa, where the Arab Spring has burned fiercest, the left is cheering the resurgence of an Arab Pretoria, racist regimes turning into even more racist theocracies run by the great-great-grands of the men who invaded the region and destroyed much of its history and culture.

The Arab Spring, with its purges of Coptic Christians and Africans, its outpouring of hostility toward Jews, is as perverse as if the left had suddenly decided that Africa needed proper Boer rule. It's the senseless behavior of racist idiots and totalitarian hypocrites who think that if they call you a 'racist' first then they win the argument.
The left has endorsed Arab and Islamic rule over the Middle East, which means that it is in absolutely no position to criticize anyone or anything. It will talk your ear off about Gaza or Fallujah, but it won't have anything to say about Turkish chemical weapons raids into Kurdish areas of Iraq. The tens of thousands of political prisoners in Turkish jails, some there for no other crime than the use of the Kurdish language, don't exist for the left. Erdogan's casual threat to ethnically cleanse the Armenians again doesn't stir their interest.
...picked Pan-Islamists over secularists in Iran and Turkey. It picked racialist fascists in Egypt, Iraq and Syria and their local Palestinian militias. It backed Islamist and Arabist revolts again in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. And after backing every totalitarian majoritarian regime that wasn't too closely aligned to the United States their one great enemy is the region's only democratic state.

The left's worst crime in the Middle East is its craven love for tyranny, for grand empires built on race and religion, over the national and political rights of the minority. These Apartheid states are all they care about. Their greatest effort has been set not on resolving the stateless problems of the Kurdish minority, on the national borders of Armenia or ending the Turkish occupation and settlement of Cyprus but on adding yet another Arab-Muslim state to the region.

Palestine, the cynical project of Pan-Arabist and Pan-Islamist thugs, is the great obsession of the left. Because if there's one thing that the Middle East doesn't have enough of, it's totalitarian regimes built on Arab and Islamist identity. And the one thing it has too much of is democratic state with a non-Arab and non-Muslim minority. And that one thing is what they are committed to destroying.[466][467]


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