Friday, May 22, 2015

PEACE THROUGH VICTORY To the victor, Israel goes the spoils, Jewish liberated land - The concessions must come from the defeated Arabs who initiated the war


To the victor, Israel goes the spoils, Jewish liberated land - The concessions must come from the defeated Arabs who initiated the war

Oh! if only the Israeli leaders would listen to your voice, the voice of reason and common sense! But NO! They still consider making concessions to their enemies. They still seem to think that they must make efforts to get them to the so-called "negotiations" table, when there is nothing to negotiate. For the Arabs have only one main idea in their heads, namely, "How quickly can we destroy the "Zionist entity" Israel, and thus be able to slaughter the Jews!"
There can be no negotiations with such people, especially when they make it quite clear that a so-called "2 State Solution" is only the first step towards a "One State Solution", a state that will be run under Islamic Sharia Law, with not a living Jew inside its borders. For they will be either slaughtered or "driven into the sea".
But NO! Israel's leaders are still deluding themselves, stuck with "negotiations"; and the Israeli Army commanders are still mind-fixed that we must not harm their civilians — those civilians (are educated and promoted to commit terror and violence against the Israeli people) who are only too bloodthirsty to spill the blood of as many Jews as they can. "We must not harm their civilians even if it endangers our own soldiers' lives" is their clarion call!
The world would not come to Israel's aid, had Israel been defeated by the Arabs. (Just like the Holocaust 6 million Jews exterminated).
They should learn from Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt that Total War means Total War for both sides!. Those two great men had no qualms about bombing German cities, even Dresden (which was turned into rubble), and Winston Churchill (who reneged on the promise to the Jewish people), probably the greatest man of the 20th century (by American standards) is reported as having said during the War "The only good German is a dead one". And only after the War was won and the Nazi menace was destroyed did he talk of "Magnanimity in Victory." And that was after the two Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan, leveling the cities and killing innumerable civilians.

1 comment:

  1. Since the Arab-Palestinians are inciting to commit terror and violence.
    The Arab-Palestinian Leadership encourages their people to kill Israelis. Support terrorists and their families. Arab-Palestinian leaders name streets after suicide bombers and celebrate the death of Israelis. Teach and educate their children to hate Israelis and promote them to violence.
    They are Israel’s enemy and must be vanquished and not treated as a legitimate entity, but as a terrorist entity which is no difference than Hamas or Hezbollah.
    It is time for Israel to go on a full our offensive to extinguish this terrorist entity and take full control of all of Judea and Samaria. Any Arabs west of the Jordan River who riot or commit violence and resist Israel’s authority must be expelled and their assets liquidated to compensate for the damages.
    The Arab-Palestinian leadership is stealing funds donated by world nations and terrorizing their Arab population. It is time to give the Arab-Palestinians who want to live in peace a chance to flourish and expand their economic future. There is no one else that can accomplish this task but Israel.
    Time for action is now. Every delay only increases the terror and violence and reduces the safety and security of Israel’s citizens. Do not worry about world opinion; they complain no matter what action Israel takes. Israel must restore complete and absolute safety and security to its people without reservations.

    Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands, Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass. But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is all about today. Greed, Pride, Envy, Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough.
    Every leader, and every regime, and every movement, and every organization that steps across the line to terrorism must be banished from the discourse of civilized human life.
    “A United Israel is a Strong Israel”
    YJ Draiman
