Friday, May 22, 2015

Jews must wake up and see that these events are NOT happenstance and that there are specific targets for attack using all forms of war.

Jews must wake up and see that these events are NOT happenstance and that there are specific targets for attack using all forms of war.

Economist Said: 
If Russian History, World Wars 1 and 2 have taught us nothing else, it is that acquisition of another sovereign State’s territory by war is, in the medium-to-long-run, doomed to failure.

I tend to disagree, as the "medium-to-long-run" has not yet arrived. In the scheme of things 100 years is nothing. A number of the so-called "sovereign states" you refer to did not exist 100 years ago, and empires existed before for many centuries. It is an error in evaluating history to operate on beliefs. There is no real historical evidence to support a general principle of taking, holding and ruling land is doomed to failure. 

Many trends of the past 60-70 years are actually now appearing to be in turmoil or disintegration. The West promotes Its' global “moral values” but is losing ground to those promoting the opposite. Who is to say that we are not now beginning to see the reappearance, after a very short time in historical terms, of the doctrine of "might makes right"?  Right now we are looking at 100 years worth of new “sovereign” nations which are now falling to pieces whereas priors caliphates lasted hundreds of years.

I agree with Arnold Harris on almost everything he wrote, and especially any concept that recognizes that reality trumps hopes and dreams. Military might and land possession will determine Israel's future.  The current world trends seem to favor the reassertion of military might over the short failed attempt at global “ethical” institutions. The failure of the UN, ICC, UNHRC, In Re Israel are the best demonstrations of the future of recent trends toward the success of an ethical world. Globalism may advance but its success will be based on power, money and interests.

As for the current article it appears to treat the media manipulation of anti-semitism as a large series of coincidences rather than as an orchestrated, directed, organized unfolding of events. As it stands, the Jews are unable to identify their enemies and targets for attack because they are unable to identify the puppet strings and money trails behind the scenes.

Although I support "Hasbara" (Israel PR) and warfare, I support it as a form of weaponry designed to damage ones enemies rather than as an appeal to their better senses.

The Jews must wake up and see that these events are NOT happenstance and that there are specific targets for attack using all forms of war, and especially covert forms.
Israel is in a position to realize the returns on its decades of defense focus by taking a self-interested and aggressive posture; it is in a position to directly influence the energy resources of the world through power.

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