Monday, June 15, 2015

British Mandate for Palestine Duration as trustee for the Jewish people

British Mandate for Palestine Duration
On July 1, 1920 the British military administration, which had controlled Palestine since December 1917, was replaced by a British civil administration
covering all of Palestine on both sides of the Jordan River, with its headquarters in Jerusalem. The Mandate instructed 
Great Britain that she would oversee Palestine with the goal of the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. At the time of the issuance of the Mandate, it was believed that there were not enough Jews in the land to establish a nation. Thus, Great Britain was to oversee the immigration of Jews to the land and when there were enough then Palestine would become the national homeland for the Jewish people. However, normally, Britain obstructed the goal of developing a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
As the 
League of Nations was dissolved in 1946, the United Nations, which was founded in 1945, began to deal with the Palestine issue. The UN General
Assembly passed a Partition Resolution (Resolution 181) on 
November 29, 147. This UN resolution adopted the necessary legal status from the League of Nations
needed for 
Israel to declare her independence on May 14, 1948. Under 181, the land of Palestine Page was partitioned and part of Palestine was given to the Arabs and the rest was given to Israel, except Jerusalem was to become an international city. Gauthier tells us, “The special international regime for the corpus separatum which was to be established on or prior to October 1, 1948 was to remain in force for a period of ten years.
At the end of that period, ‘the residents of the City shall be . . . free to express by means of a referendum their wishes as to possible modifications of the regime of the
City.’”4 The Arabs rejected resolution 181 and attacked the Jews resulting in a larger land area for 
Israel when the fighting stopped in 1949. Israel’s war for independence also prevented Jerusalem from becoming an international city. The promised election by October 1959 to determine to whom Jerusalem belonged never took place. There is no doubt that the city would have voted for Israel if an election had taken place. Thus, all of the legal rights to the Old City of Jerusalem belong to Israel and the Jews.
Gauthier’s work, which I have only provided a glimpse into, demonstrates that both the land of Israel and the Old City of Jerusalem belong to Israel and the
Jews based upon the standards of international law. When commentators appear on the media today and start talking about how 
Israel is violating international law
with their occupation, they are absolutely without any basis in the truth. These advocates for the Arab occupation of Jewish land have no legal basis to stand. However, that does not seem to bother them since they are lawless and many hope through jihad to take over 
Israel. Most of these spokesmen really do not care about the law, international or otherwise.
The facts are that both the Bible and even international law says that the 
land of Israel and Jerusalem belong to the Jewish people. The fact that many
within the international community know this information means nothing. Today the Gentile nations are in an uproar, while increasingly clamoring for the
extermination of the nation and people of 
Israel. Yet, the hand of God’s providence has restored His people to their land while still primarily in unbelief. We increasingly see the lawless attitudes of the nations constantly on display as they certainly do not care about God’s Word, nor do they heed the clear mandates of man made international law. So it will be in the end, as at the beginning and throughout her history, that Israel will have to be saved by the actual hand of God as He interrupts history in order to save His people.

Tom's Perspectives
by Thomas Ice
The Bible teaches that God gave to the Jewish people the
land of Israel.
This is repeated many times throughout the Bible. God’s viewpoint on this matter
is what ultimately matters since He will at some point in the future implement His
will. If God says something then that settles it, that decree will surely come to pass.
However, it is interesting to note that international law is and has always been on the
side of the reestablishment of the modern state of
Israel. Furthermore, the law also
supports the claim that
Jerusalem belongs to the Jews and that the Arabs have no
legitimate legal claim upon Judaism’s most holy location.

Canadian lawyer Jacques Paul Gauthier recently finished a twenty-year
project in which this Gentile Christian researched at the
University of Geneva
political science department and international law school, the legal issues relating to the ownership of
Israel and Jerusalem. Gauthier’s PhD thesis was completed in 2007 and is entitled:
“Sovereignty Over The Old City of Jerusalem.”1 Dr. Gauthier has
demonstrated in painstaking detail in his thesis of over 1,200 pages the following
After our examination of the principles of international law pertaining to
belligerent occupation, we have concluded that Israel has the right to occupy
the territories under its control since 1967, including East Jerusalem and
its Old City, until a peace treaty is concluded.2
Since Gauthier’s publication was a PhD thesis, he had to painstakingly
document every opinion or conclusion with legal and historical facts. Had the
readers of his thesis not agreed with the information in his work they would not have accepted Gauthier’s thesis. This means that Gauthier’s work is the most authoritative opinion covering the international status of the old city of
Jerusalem and the land of Israel.
So what is Dr. Gauthier’s argument?
Gauthier notes that the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 did not
have the status of international law, at least not when issued. However, it did
become the official policy of the British government that bound
Great Britain to pursue the founding of a future state of Israel and granting them self-determination. The United Kingdom took the next step toward founding the Jewish state when General Allenby captured Jerusalem on December 11, 1917 and then the rest of Palestine (Israel).
January 3, 1919 Chaim Weitzman, who was the leader and representative
of the Zionist Organization on behalf of the Jewish people, met with Emir Feisal,
who represented the Arab Kingdom of Hedjaz. Included in an agreement that both
parties agreed upon was that the Jewish people should get the land west of the
Jordan River and that the old city of Jerusalem would be under Jewish control.
The Paris Peace Conference began on
January 18, 1919 and lasted about six
months in which new borders were decided upon for parts of
Europe and the Middle
and were given the force of international law. The conference was made up of the victorious Allied powers from World War I. The “Big Four” were made up of the
Page United States,
Great Britain, France, and Italy. Lord Balfour represented
Britain. It was during the summer of 1919 that Arab opposition began to be voiced against the Feisal-Weitzman agreement. As a result that aspect of the conference stalled and was never agreed upon. Nevertheless, Balfour issued the following statement on August 11, 1919:
“The four great powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism be it right
or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age long traditions, in present needs in future
hopes of far profounder import than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.”3 The
Paris Peace Conference ended without a final solution reached concerning the status of Palestine, even though there was much discussion about the matter.
A meeting to deal specifically with the unfinished business of
which was to be seen as an extension of the Paris Peace Conference was commenced on
April 19, 1920 in San Remo, Italy (confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres). It was attended by the four Principal Allied Powers of World War I who were represented by the prime ministers of Britain (David Lloyd George), France (Alexandre Millerand) and Italy (Francesco Nitti) and by Japan's Ambassador K.
Matsui. The San Remo Resolution adopted on
April 25, 1920 incorporated the
Balfour Declaration of 1917 issued by the British government. The
San Remo
resolution and Article 22 of the Covenant of the
League of Nations, which was adopted at the Paris Peace Conference on April 28, 1919, were the basic documents upon which the British Mandate for the stewardship of Palestine was constructed. It was at San Remo that the Balfour Declaration went from being just a statement of British foreign policy to international law.
The British Mandate was fully implemented upon approval by the Council of the
League of Nations on September 22, 1922. However, when the parties left
San Remo in April 1919 the future state of Israel was to be made up of what now
constitutes the
Kingdom of Jordan, as well as all the land West of the Jordan River. After September 22, 1922 what is now the Kingdom of Jordan was taken away from Palestine and became another Arab nation. This was the beginning of the trend still
operative today that
Israel needs to give up more land in order to be promised peace. The reality is that every time Israel gives up land, she experiences even less peace.
On July 1, 1920 the British military administration, which had controlled
Palestine since December 1917, was replaced by a British civil administration
covering all of Palestine on both sides of the Jordan River, with its headquarters in
Jerusalem. The Mandate instructed
Great Britain that she would oversee Palestine with the goal of the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. At the time of the issuance of the Mandate, it was believed that there were not enough Jews in the land to establish a nation. Thus, Great Britain was to oversee the immigration of Jews to the land and when there were enough then Palestine would become the national homeland for the Jewish people. However, normally, Britain obstructed the goal of developing a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
As the
League of Nations was dissolved in 1946, the United Nations, which was
founded in 1945, began to deal with the
Palestine issue. The UN General
Assembly passed a Partition Resolution (Resolution 181) on
November 29, 147. This UN resolution adopted the necessary legal status from the League of Nations
needed for
Israel to declare her independence on May 14, 1948. Under 181, the land of Palestine Page was partitioned and part of Palestine was given to the Arabs and the rest was given to Israel, except Jerusalem was to become an international city. Gauthier tells us, “The special international regime for the corpus separatum which was to be established on or prior to October 1, 1948 was to remain in force for a period of ten years.
At the end of that period, ‘the residents of the City shall be . . . free to express by
means of a referendum their wishes as to possible modifications of the regime of the
City.’”4 The Arabs rejected resolution 181 and attacked the Jews resulting in a larger
land area for
Israel when the fighting stopped in 1949. Israel’s war for independence
also prevented
Jerusalem from becoming an international city. The promised election by October 1959 to determine to whom Jerusalem belonged never took place. There is no doubt that the city would have voted for Israel if an election had taken place. Thus, all of the legal rights to the Old City of Jerusalem belong to Israel and the Jews.
Gauthier’s work, which I have only provided a glimpse into, demonstrates
that both the
land of Israel and the Old City of Jerusalem belong to Israel and the
Jews based upon the standards of international law. When commentators appear on the media today and start talking about how
Israel is violating international law
with their occupation, they are absolutely without any basis in the truth. These
advocates for the Arab occupation of Jewish land have no legal basis to stand. However, that does not seem to bother them since they are lawless and many hope through jihad to take over
Israel. Most of these spokesmen really do not care about the law, international or otherwise.
The facts are that both the Bible and even international law says that the
land of Israel and Jerusalem belong to the Jewish people. The fact that many
within the international community know this information means nothing. Today the
Gentile nations are in an uproar, while increasingly clamoring for the
extermination of the nation and people of
Israel. Yet, the hand of God’s providence has restored His people to their land while still primarily in unbelief. We increasingly see the lawless attitudes of the nations constantly on display as they certainly do not care about God’s Word, nor do they heed the clear mandates of man made international law. So it will be in the end, as at the beginning and throughout her history, that Israel will have to be saved by the actual hand of God as He interrupts history in order to save His people.
Today’s hatred toward
Israel is just a warm-up for the real heat of the furnace of the
tribulation, from which God will redeem the nation of
Israel through the coming of Messiah.
Since mankind does not recognize God and His law, nevertheless, He will impose
it upon humanity one day. Maranatha!

1 Jacques Paul Gauthier, “Sovereignty Over The
Old City of Jerusalem: A
Study of the Historical, Religious, Political and Legal Aspects of the Question of the
Old City,” PhD Thesis, University of Geneva International Law School, 2007).
2 Gauthier, “Sovereignty Over
Jerusalem,” p. 848.
3 Cited by Gauthier, “Sovereignty Over
Jerusalem,” p. 356 from Documents
on British Foreign Policy, 1919–1939, vol. IV, No. 242, p. 345. Page
4 Gauthier, “Sovereignty Over
Jerusalem,” pp. 599–600. Citation by
Gauthier is from Article D, Part III of the Partition Resolution.

As Professor Stephen Schwebel, former judge on the Hague's International Court of Justice notes:

The Arab-Palestinian claim to sovereignty over east
Jerusalem under the principle of self-determination of peoples cannot supersede the Jewish right to self-determination in Jerusalem. While Arabs constituted an ethnic majority only in the artificial entity of "East Jerusalem" created by Jordan's illegal division of the city, the armistice lines forming this artificial entity were never intended to determine the borders of, or political sovereignty over, the city. Moreover, Jews constituted the majority ethnic group in unified Jerusalem both in the century before Jordan's invasion, and since 1967 (the exception being during Jordan's illegal occupation).

Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, an international legal expert, scholar and director emeritus of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the
University of Cambridge, details the legal justification for Israel's sovereignty in east Jerusalem. According to the scholar, "Jordan's occupation of the Old City–and indeed of the whole of the area west of the Jordan river entirely lacked legal justification" and was simply a "de facto occupation protected by the Armistice Agreement." This occupation ended as a result of "legitimate measures" of self defense by Israel, thereby opening the way for Israel as "a lawful occupant" to fill a sovereignty vacuum left by Britain's withdrawal from the territory in 1948.


A state acting in lawful exercise of its right of self-defense may seize and occupy foreign territory as long as such seizure and occupation are necessary to its self-defense......Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title.

As Schwebel explains, "
Jordan's seizure [in 1948] and subsequent annexation of the West Bank and the old city of Jerusalem were unlawful," arising as they did from an aggressive act. Jordan therefore had no valid title to east Jerusalem. When Jordanian forces attacked Jerusalem in 1967, Israeli forces, acting in self defense, repelled Jordanian forces from territory Jordan was illegitimately occupying. Schwebel maintains that in comparison to Jordan, "Israeli title in old (east) Jerusalem is superior." And in comparison to the UN, which never asserted sovereignty over Jerusalem and allowed its recommendation of a corpus separatum to lapse and die, he sees Israel's claim to Jerusalem as similarly superior.


  1. Greater Israel belongs to the Jewish people under International Law!
    The details for the planned independent Jewish state were set forth in three basic documents, which may be termed the founding documents of mandated Palestine and the modern Jewish state of Israel that arose from it. These were the San Remo Resolution of April 25, 1920, the Mandate for Palestine conferred on Britain by the Principal Allied Powers and confirmed by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922, and the Franco-British Boundary Convention of December 23, 1920. These founding documents were supplemented by the Anglo-American Convention of December 3, 1924 respecting the Mandate for Palestine. It is of supreme importance to remember always that these documents were the source or well-spring of Jewish legal rights and title of sovereignty over Palestine and the Land of Israel under international law, because of the near-universal but completely false belief that it was the United Nations General Assembly Partition Resolution of November 29, 1947 that brought the State of Israel into existence. In fact, the UN resolution was an illegal abrogation of Jewish legal rights and title of sovereignty to the whole of Palestine and the Land of Israel, rather than an affirmation of such rights or progenitor of them.
    The San Remo Resolution converted the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 from a mere statement of British policy expressing sympathy with the goal of the Zionist movement to create a Jewish state into a binding act of international law that required specific fulfillment by Britain of this object in active cooperation with the Jewish people. Under the Balfour Declaration as originally issued by the British government, the latter only promised to use their best endeavors to facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. But under the San Remo Resolution of April 24-25, 1920, the Principal Allied Powers as a cohesive group charged the British government with the responsibility or legal obligation of putting into effect the Balfour Declaration. A legal onus was thus placed on Britain to ensure that the Jewish National Home would be duly established. This onus the British Government willingly accepted because at the time the Balfour Declaration was issued and adopted at the San Remo Peace Conference, Palestine was considered a valuable strategic asset and communications center, and so a vital necessity for protecting far-flung British imperial interests extending from Egypt to India. Britain was fearful of having any major country or power other than itself, especially France or Germany, positioned alongside the Suez Canal.

  2. The Jewish People’s historical right to the land of Greater Israel had been recognized by the international community and upheld by the rule of public international law. Greater Israel was and is the homeland of the Jewish people. In the past 4,000 plus years it has not been the homeland of any other people. Although is was occupied by various conquerors who destroyed the land and made it desolate and barren. When the Jewish people returned in greater numbers the land blossomed, turned green and fruitful.
    Any view that contradicts this statement is pure distortion of the facts and history.
    The details for the planned independent Jewish state were set forth in three basic documents, which may be termed the founding documents of mandated Palestine and the modern Jewish state of Israel that arose from it. These were the San Remo Resolution of April 25, 1920, the Mandate for Palestine conferred on Britain by the Principal Allied Powers and confirmed by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922, and the Franco-British Boundary Convention of December 23, 1920. These founding documents were supplemented by the Anglo-American Convention of December 3, 1924 respecting the Mandate for Palestine.
    Israel is not obliged to support the creation of an Arab state west of the Jordan river alongside Israel and it must not concede to any such arrangement or the security and survival of Israel will be compromised.
    The Oslo Agreements (which is now null and void) were made with a view to enhance “a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.” Yet, since their coming into effect the Middle East has witnessed not peace but more violence of the worst kind in recent history. As of today the Oslo agreement is null and void. The Arab-Palestinians have not lived up to any of the agreement. The Arab-Palestinians promote, preach and teach their children and the masses to create terror, violence and suicide bombing. Their only goal is the destruction of the Jewish State, read the Arab-Palestinian and Hamas Charter.
    The establishment of the Arab-Palestinian Authority should serve as a “guide to the bewildered” of the grave risks posed by such an Arab State, which may eventually lead to the destruction of the Jewish State. Any land for peace compromise by Israel has made the situation worse. Sadly, appeasement and concessions by Israel only aggravated the situation and increased violence. Israel must stand its ground, resist unjust world pressure and protect its citizens at all costs. Any concessions by Israel will only make the situation worse and bring about more violence and death, as the past experience has proven. The Summer of 2014 Gaza war only reaffirms the conviction that Israel must not under any circumstances concede any territory to the Arabs.

  3. Under public international law, Israel is entitled to diligently encourage and promote close Jewish settlement of the land of Israel, thereby realizing the principles set out by the San Remo Treaty of 1920 which incorporated the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and made it into International law, and the League of Nations in the original Mandate document. In 1922 in violation of the treaty, the British gave away 80% of the land allocated to the Jewish people and gave it to the Arabs to set-up a state that never existed in history. (The British wanted to protect their oil interests). After WWI, The Allied powers set up 21 Arab states and one Jewish state in the Mandate for Palestine at the San Remo Treaty of 1920. There was no allocation of the Mandate for Palestine to any other people or nation, only the Jewish people.
    In addition at that time, the Allied powers also allocated land for 21 Arab States and one Jewish State. If you questions Israel’s borders, you must question the 21 Arab States borders and Jordan. Therefore, you are not modifying any of the 21 Arab states and Jordan’s territory, you cannot modify Israel’s territory either. Only Israel via a treaty signed and executed by both parties with its neighbors can change the terms of the San Remo Treaty of 1920.
    It is also important to address the expulsion of over a million Jewish people and their children from the Arab countries and the confiscation of assets, businesses, homes and land owned by Jewish people in the Arab countries, totaling over 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles (5-6 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars.
    The Jewish people resettled the million Jewish refugees from the Arab countries. It is about time the Arab countries who expelled the million Jewish people and their children and confiscated their assets and land, must settle the Arab-Palestinian refugees once and for all without compromising Israel and bring about peace and tranquility to the region.
    Neither the U.N. nor any Country in the world has the authority to create a state or dissolve a state, (check the U.N. charter and international law.)
    A true peace will bring about an economic boom to the region of which the world has never seen before. It will raise the standard of living for all the people in the Middle East and accelerate peace and harmony.
    It will also divert the billions of dollars invested in war materials to be used to advance the economy, medical and social services and more.
    YJ Draiman
