Monday, June 15, 2015

Israel must be steadfast in protecting its rights and its people - YJ Draiman

Israel must be steadfast in protecting its rights and its people
Many nations and people are questioning Israel’s control of its liberated territory
No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had persecuted and ejected about a million Jewish families and their children from their countries, confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real estate. Many of the Jews persecuted and ejected from Arab countries died while their forced departure from Arab countries, due to hardship, famine and starvation. 650,00 Jewish people and their children of these expelled Jewish people and their children were resettled in Greater Israel. The Land the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people 120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles, which is over 5-6 times the size of Israel, and its value today is the trillions of dollars.
The Jewish people and their children during the over 2,200 years living in Arab countries have suffered Pogroms, Libel claims, beheadings, beatings, false imprisonment and extreme hardship as a second class citizens. They had their businesses and homes pillaged, their wives and daughters raped, sold them as slaves, their houses of worship pillaged and burned, forced conversion to Islam and many were beheaded.

Today over half of Israel's population are Jews expelled from Arab countries and their children and grandchildren.

The Audacity of the Arab-Palestinians and the Arab countries in demanding territory from the Jewish people in Palestine after they ejected over a million Jewish people and their children who have lived in Arab land for over 2,200 years and after they confiscated all their assets and Real estate 5-6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. - 75,000 sq. mi.), valued in the trillions of dollars. There was also Jewish property and land (totaling about 50,000 sq. km.) in Jordan, Gaza and across the Golan Heights under Syria's control.
Now the Arab nations are demanding more land and more compensation.
The Arab countries have chased the million Jews and their children and now the want to chase them away again, from their own historical land.

Israel must respond with extreme force to any rocket attack. violent demonstration and terror. Israel's population must have peace and tranquility without intimidation by anyone.
The Jewish people have suffered enough in the Diaspora for the past 2,500 years. It is time for the Jewish people to live as free people in their own land without violence and terror.
It is time to consider that the only alternative is a population transfer of the Arab-Palestinians to the territories the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people and settle this dispute once and for all. Many Arab leaders had suggested these solutions over the years.
YJ Draiman

How many holidays do the Arabs-Muslims celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel and Jerusalem.
The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of Jerusalem and Israel.
and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem - where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
At Jewish weddings they break a glass in memory of Jerusalem and the aspiration to return and build the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
YJ Draiman

The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes confiscated by the Arab countries from the expelled Jewish people and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jews and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative.
Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
YJ Draiman

Sending thousands of rockets indiscriminately into civilian centers and tunneling into Israel to kill civilians and sending suicide bombers is not an obstacle to peace but building homes is? Are the U.S. & E.U. going on tour as a new comedy duo?

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